Interventional Pain Management in Cancer Free Powerpoint Templates
Interventional Pain Management Botulinum Toxin Acupuncture Local Blockade Sympathetic Blocks Spinal Procedures
Botulinum Toxin Treatment for spasticity, musculoskeletal pain, muscle spasms and neuropathic pain. Block the release of pain mediators Radiation induced myokimia and spasticity Reduced postoperative pain after mastectomy Reduce pain in muscle spasm after radiotherapy in patients with head and neck cancer.
Botulinum Toxin Radiation fibrosis syndrome Radiation induced dystonia, trigeminal neuralgia, cervical plexus neuralgia No standard guidelines Low dose 100-300 units per treatment Relief: 6-12 weeks
Acupuncture Stimulating specific discrete anatomic points Adjunct for pain control, nausea, vomiting post-chemotherapy, back pain Short term pain relief
Local Blockade Local anesthetics Done before proceeding to neurolysis Intercostal nerves Cutaneous sensory nerves (trigeminal and saphenous)
Local Blockade Neurolysis: Freezing Application of subzero temperatures Ice crystals create vascular damage to the vasa nervorum Used in trigeminal neuralgia and intercostal nerves
Local Blockade Neurolysis: Heating Chemical Techniques Radiofrequency ablation (RF) Sacroiliac pain, trigeminal neuralgia Chemical Techniques Phenol or ethanol preparations
Sympathetic Blocks Superior hypogastric plexus Celiac Plexus Mainly for chronic pelvic cancer pain Celiac Plexus Cancer of the abdominal viscera May cause hypotension and diarrhea.
Spinal Procedures Epidural Steroid Injections Acute radicular pain due to herniated nucleus pulposus. Earlier pain relief and return to function.
Spinal Procedures Vertebral Procedures Tumor involvement of vertebra Kyphoplasty Balloon expansion of the vertebrae Vertebroplasty Introduces cement to damage vertebra
Spinal Procedures Facet Arthropathy Osteoarthiritis and tumor Intraarticular injection of steroids Radiofrequency ablation
Complementary Therapies for Pain Management in Cancer
Complementary Therapies Acupuncture Massage Therapy Hypnosis Music Therapy Dietary Supplements
Acupuncture Induce analgesics effect Studies: Showed improvement Short term pain relief
Massage Therapy Stretch and compress a patient’s muscle & connective tissue. Increased circulation Stimulation of lymphatic damage Improve muscle tissue metabolism and elasticity
Massage Therapy Reduce anxiety, emotional stress, fatigue. Effect on physical symptoms Reduce patient’s need for NSAIDs
Hypnosis Altered state of consciousness A state between wakefulness and sleep Control of his behavior Hypnotic analgesia
Music Therapy Ease pain, anxiety and depression Decreased opioid requirement further study
Herbal Remedies Should be cautious Musculoskeletal pain and arthritic conditions glucosamine Glutamine reducing peripheral neuropathy; dec toxicity of chemotherapy and radiation
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