Comparability of NSC mathematics scores and former SC HG mathematics scores: How consistent is the signal across time? AMERU African Micro Economic Research Unit
School leaving examination scores signal the University as to applicants’: academic potential. skills set – particularly in language based and quantitative areas of study. preparedness for tertiary level education. AMERU
The Conversion Key Higher Grade SC to NSC Percentage80 –10070 – 7960 – 6950 – 5940 – 4930 – 3920 – 2910 – HGABCDEFGHI NSC Source: Wits Admission Office, 2008 AMERU
Observed Pass rates Enrolled Students Pass rate (%) Enrolled Students Pass rate (%) Enrolled Students Pass rate (%) Enrolled Students Pass rate (%) Enrolled Students Pass rate (%) ECON APPM Weighted Average Seven courses AMERU
Research indicates that NSC mathematics may be inflated by 20% in the lower ranges Nel and Kirsten (2009) Stellenbosch University access test used as a benchmark Schoër et al (2010) Witwatersrand Standardised pre-test and Economics I Test 1 used to convert NSC scores to HG SC scores AMERU
SC HG 2006 vs NSC 2009 and 2010 Standard of NSC matric maths paper changed from 2009 to 2010 (Parliamentary Monitoring Group, 2010) Comparing 2006 cohort to both NSC cohorts controls for specific characteristics wrote HG SC maths in embedded in previous curriculum AMERU
The Measuring Instrument Computational Maths I – Test 1 Computational maths I compulsory for all first year commerce students. Written three weeks into the semester. New work based on school work. Highly correlated with matric maths marks Test 1 kept standard across the years. – numbers changed but questions the same – test kept confidential – questions re-ordered to promote accessibility AMERU
Test 1 scores APPM1004 Test1 comparison: score distribution (2006, 2009, 2010) 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% <10<20<30<40<50<60<70<80<90<=100 Test1 score (%) % of Students AMERU
Delimiting the data – excluding: students >21 years repeating students foreign students students who did not write matric in South Africa the year prior to entering University AMERU
Comparing delimited cohorts AMERU
Using propensity score matching to create a more accurate conversion key. Students matched from 2006 to 2009 & 2010 by: Test 1 mark Gender Race AMERU
HG vs NSC for Propensity Score Matches AMERU
Corrected Conversion Key Percentage Category 80 – 100%70 – 79%60 – 69%50 – 59%40 – 49% Higher Grade ABCDE NSC (DoE key) NSC (Propensity Score match) AMERU
Comparison of deflated scores AMERU
Test 1 score variance by maths score category AMERU
Conclusion NSC marks generally inflated by 15% - 20%. 20% in lower ranges and 15% in upper ranges. University courses that rely on a matric maths mark as a signal may consider increasing the required cut off mark. NSC matric maths scores may be more precise predictors of performance than HG scores of 2006 cohort when deflated. AMERU