Final Practice Lab Nataliya Dutchak
What are the different systems and their component?
Answer: a) Integumentation System 1) Hair2) Skin3) Nails b) Skeletal System 1) Joint2) Bones c) Muscular System 1) Skeletal Muscles
What are the different system?
Answers: a) Lymphatic System/Immunity a) Respiratory System a) Digestive System
What do these two image represent and their main component?
Answer: a) Anterior Ventral b) Posterior / Dorsal 1) Thorax CephalicThoracicUpper LimbManus (Hand) 2) Abdomen AbdominalLowe LimbPedal 3) Back (Dorsum) Back ( Dorsal)
What are the 3 different plane?
Answer: a) Frontal Plane Section a) Transversal Plane Section b) Median plane Section (midsagittal)
What are the two viewn and main components?
Answers: a) Lateral View b) Anterior View 1) Dorsal Body Cavity2) Ventral Body Cavity 3) Cranial Cavity4) Thoracic Cavity 5) Abdominal Cavity5) Pelvic Cavity
What tissue are those? a)b)c)
Answer: A)Simple squamous epithelium B)Simple cuboidal epithelium C)Simple Columnar epithelium
What do these represent? a)b)c)
Answer: A)Stratified squamous epithelium B)Pseudo stratified columnar epithelium C)Transitional Epithelium
What type of Connective tissue are these? a)b)c)
Answer: A)Loose Connective tissue: areolar B)Loose connective tissue: adipose C)Loose Connective Tissue: Reticular
What do the image represent? a)b)c)
Answer: A)Dense Connective Tissue: Regular B)Osseous Tissue C)Red and white Blood cells
What muscle tissue are those? a)b)c)
Answer: A)Cartilage: Hyaline B)Smooth Muscle C)Cardiac Muscle
What are different component?
Answers: 1) Pectoralis Major 2) Pectoralis Minor 3) Deltoid 4) Biceps Brachii 5) Rectus Abdominis 6) External Oblique 7) Internal Oblique 8) Tensor Fascia Latae 9) Rectus Femoris 10) Sartorius 11) Fibularis Longus 12) Tibialis Anterior 13) Vastus Medialis
What are the components of the image?
Answer: 1) Trapezius 2) Infraspinatus 3) Teres Major 4) Triceps brachii 5) Latissimus dorsi 6) Gluteus medius 7) Gluteus maximus 8) Biceps femoris 9) Semitendinosus 10) Gastrocnemius 11) Soleus
What are the name of the movements?
Answer: 1)Flexion 2)Extension
What are the name of the movements?
Answer: 1)Dorsiflection 2)Planar flexion
What are the name of the movements?
Answer: 1)Abduction 2)Circumduction 3)Botation 4)Lateral Rotation 5)Medial Rotation
What are the name of the movements?
Answer: 1)Inversion 3)Eversion
What are the name of the movements?
Answer: 1)Protraction of mandible 2)Retraction of mandible
What are the components of the brain?
Answer 1)Corpus Callosum2)Thalamus 3)Pineal Gland4)cerebellum 5)Arbor Vitae 6)4 th Ventricle 7)Spinal Cord8)Medulla oblongata 9)Pons10)Pituitary gland 11)Optic chiasm (nerve)12)Hypothalamus 13)Spectum Pellucidum14)Cerebral Hemisphere
What are the component?
Answer: 1)Frontal lobe2)Filaments of olfactory nerve(I) 3)Temporal Lobe4) Olfactory Bulb 5)Olfactory tract6)Optic nerve (II) 7)Optic chiasma8)Optic tract 9)Infundibulum10)Oculomotor nerve (III) 11)Facial nerve12)Troclear nerve (IV) 13)Vestibulo cochlear nerve (VIII)14) Trigeminal nerve (V) 15)Glosso pharyngeal nerve (IX)16)Abducens nerve (VI) 17)Vegus nerve (X)18)Cerebellun 19)Accessory Nerve (XI)20)Hypoglossal nerve (XII) 21)Medulla
What are the component?
What are the components? A
Answer: A) 3 Semicircular Canal 1)Anterior2)Posterior 3)Lateral4)Vestibular nerve 5)Utricle6)Saccule 7)Cochlear duct8)Cochlear nerve
What does the image represent and its components? A) 4 5
Answer: A)
What do these represent and what are the components?
Answers: a)Superior View 1)Frontal suture2)Frontal Bone 3)Anterior Fomtanel4)Ossification center 5)Parietal Bone6)Posterior fontanel 7)occipital Bone b)Lateral view 1)FrontalBone 2)Sphenoidal fontanel 3) Parietal bone 4)Ossification center 5)Posterior fontanel6)Mastoid fontanel 7)Occipital bone8)Yemporal bone (squamous portion)