1 Welcome to the International Right of Way Association’s Course 104 Standards of Practice for the Right of Way Professional 104-PT – Revision 3 – INT
2 Introductions Who we are… What we do… Where we do it… How long we’ve been doing it… Our goals for the day...
3 Objectives (1) At the end of the day, you will be able to... Discuss, in general terms, the IRWA’s Standards of Practice and be able to relate the Standards to the participants’ professional and personal lives. Describe the interrelationship of the IRWA’s Code of Ethics, the Rules of Professional Conduct (Ethical Rules), and the Standards of Practice.
4 Objectives (2) At the end of the day, you will be able to... Understand better the expectations of the public, employees, peers, and employers of right of way professionals. Explain what constitutes the minimum acceptable level of conduct for right of way professionals.
5 Housekeeping
6 Schedule 8:00 - 8:45Introductions, Etc. 8:45 - 9:15 Relationships among the Code of Ethics, the Rules of Professional Conduct Ethical Rules), and the Standards of Practice 9:15 - 4:00 Standards of Practice 4:00 - 4:45Post-Test 4:45 - 5:00Summary
7 Ethics The values or moral principles governing a person or a group.
8 Ethics, Code of Ethics The values or moral principles governing a person or a group. The ethical system or rules or standards that govern a person or a group.
9 Standards of Practice The written procedures that guide a person or group in his/her conduct.
10 Relationships Among the Code of Ethics A code of rules and standards predicated on truth, justice, and fair play Rules of Professional Conduct (Ethical Rules) Course 103 Disciplinary Procedures Standards of Practice Course 104
11 Standards of Practice (1) Standard One: Quality of Service Standard Two: Full Disclosure Standard Three: Fair and Reasonable Fees Standard Four: Confidential Information Standard Five: Advertising and Promotional Practices
12 Standards of Practice (2) Standard Six: Laws and Conduct of Business Standard Seven: Good Citizenship Standard Eight: Relationships: Employee/Employer, Client/Former Client
13 Standard One: Quality of Service Quality of Service is an expectation and demand of all members. A member’s quality of service is an outgrowth of technical competence, personal character, responsive and informative communication; and appropriate care of property.
14 Standard Two: Full Disclosure Full disclosure of all pertinent information requires, without reservation, disclosure to the client, employer or public, all relevant information a member possesses with regard to the member’s employment.
15 Standard Three: Fair and Reasonable Fees A member…shall at all times charge fair and reasonable fees commensurate with the service being provided… At no time shall the member accept remuneration from more than one party for services rendered without full knowledge and written agreement of all parties involved.
16 Basic Presumptions 1. A member is always presumed innocent. 2. The burden of proof always rests with the Association. 3. A member charged has no duty to testify in his or her behalf. 4. All matters are strictly confidential.
17 Potential Disciplinary Actions An admonishment is a written warning. A reprimand is a serious written warning. A censure is a formal written expression of criticism and disapproval. A suspension is a temporary revocation of membership. An expulsion is a complete membership termination.
18 Standard Four: Confidential Information A member shall hold in strict confidence all information provided in confidence by a client or person requesting confidentiality. … The member shall not use confidential information for personal gain. … The member shall not disclose to a third party any confidential or proprietary information...
19 Standard Five: Advertising and Promotional Practices Members shall only use those advertising and promotional practices which fairly and accurately inform prospective clients and the public of the member’s services, qualifications, credentials, and other relevant professional information.
20 Standard Six: Laws and Conduct of Business A member shall abide by all laws, rules, regulations, certification and licensing requirements applicable to his/her profession. All business or professional practices shall be in strict accordance with all applicable laws, rules, professional standards, and regulations governing the member’s business, practice or profession.
21 Flow Chart of Disciplinary Procedures
22 Standard Seven: Good Citizenship Members shall conduct themselves in their daily lives in a manner which looks beyond self or corporate interest to the interest of others and society as a whole, not just the avoidance of harm.
23 Standard Eight: Relationships: Employee/Employer, Client/Former Client A member has a duty of loyalty and allegiance to his/her client/employer so long as such does not result in the breach of the Code of Ethics or Rules of Professional Conduct of the International Right of Way Association (IRWA).
24 Objectives (1) Right now, you should be able to... Discuss, in general terms, the IRWA’s Standards of Practice and be able to relate the Standards to the participants’ professional and personal lives. Describe the interrelationship of the IRWA’s Code of Ethics, the Rules of Professional Conduct (Ethical Rules), and the Standards of Practice.
25 Objectives (2) Right now, you should be able to... Understand better the expectations of the public, employees, peers, and employers of right of way professionals. Explain what constitutes the minimum acceptable level of conduct for Right of Way professionals.
26 Thank you! 104-PT – Revision 3 – INT