Historicity Of Jesus Lesson 5 The Messiah In Prophecy
Review There are those that would like to discredit Jesus as the Son Of God. Their works can be seen in novels like “ The Da Vinci Code”. Some would like to challenge the historical accuracy of the life of Jesus. - “ Maybe Jesus is just a myth”?
Review “ We have become convinced that the story of Jesus is not the biography of a historical Messiah, but a myth based on perennial Pagan stories”. - Timothy Freke & Peter Gandy
Review “ The Gospel stories are no more historical than the Genesis creation accounts are scientific. They are filled with exaggerations, miracles, and admitted propaganda”. - Dan Barker, atheist
Review -The Old and New Testaments are reliable historical documents. - They have stood the test of time. The Bible is the most scrutinized book in history.
Review We looked at what is called hostile sources. Tacticus Suetonius Pliny the Younger Josephus
Review Jesus Christ and pagan gods share similar characteristics. Luke 1:67-70 “ since the world began”. - Some prophecies about Jesus are as old as the world itself.
Review - The Bible refers to the coming Messiah as a mystery. - The mystery was not revealed entirely until it was revealed to the New Testament writers themselves.
Review -The Messiah would be from the “ seed of woman”. Gen. 3:15 1. The seed of Abraham 2. The seed of Isaac. 3. The seed of Jacob. 4. From Judah. 5. From the seed of King David.
Difficulties In Believing Some Jews chose not believe. It was hard for the Jews to accept the concept of a Messiah that was both a suffering servant and reigning king. Could this be fulfilled in one person?
Difficulties In Believing “ it was difficult for early rabbis to reconcile the statements that so clearly spoke of a suffering and dying Messiah with those verses in other passages that spoke of a triumphant and victorious Messiah”. From the works of John Ankerberg, John Weldon, and Walter Kaiser.
The Messiah In Prophecy The Gospel Accounts 1. Matthew 1 ………… Isaiah 7:14 2. Matthew 2 ………… Micah 5:2 3. Matthew 3 ………….. Isaiah 40:3 4. Mark 1 ….. Malachi 3:1 Isaiah 40: Mark 15:28 ………… Isaiah 53:12
The Messiah In Prophecy The Gospel Accounts 6.John 12: ……… Zechariah 9:9 7. John 12:37-38 …….. Isaiah 53:1 8. John 19:24 ………… Psalm 22:18
The Messiah In Prophecy Jesus Directs Scripture To Himself - Jesus in a synagogue, references the book of Isaiah and how the scripture that He just read was being fulfilled at their hearing. Luke 4: ………….. Isaiah 61:1-2 - Jesus talks on the road to Emmaus. Luke 24:13-27
The Messiah In Prophecy The Book Of Acts -Peter’s sermon in Acts 2. Acts 2: From the prophet Joel. Acts 2: From Psalm 16: The Eunuch reading from Isaiah 53. Acts 8: 32-33
The Messiah In Prophecy The Book Of Acts - Peter’s message to Cornelius. Acts 10:43 - Paul preaches in a synagogue in Antioch. Acts 13: Paul to King Agrippa Acts 26:27-28
The Messiah In Prophecy The Epistles From the Book of Romans Romans 1:2-3 “through His prophets” From the Book of Galatians Galatians 3 Jesus is from the seed of Abraham.
The Messiah In Prophecy The Epistles From Hebrews 5. Jesus is a priest in the order of Melchizedek as prophesied in Psalm 110:4. From Peter.. The Spirit of Christ was in the prophets. 1 Peter 1:10-12
The Messiah In Prophecy The Epistles From 1 Peter 2:6 Isaiah 28:16 Psalm 118:22 From 1 Peter 2:22 * Isaiah 53:9
The Messiah In Prophecy Hebrew scholar Charles Brigg notes, “ In Jesus of Nazareth the key of Messianic prophecy of the Old Testament has been found. All its phases find their realization in His unique personality, in His unique work, and in His unique kingdom. The Messiah of prophecy appears in the Messiah of history ”.