Opatija 06/10/2007 Trieste: A journey into the sea of knowledge In 1924 The School of Commerce, set up in 1877 by Baron Pasquale Revoltella, was granted the title of Royal University of Economics and Business Studies of Trieste. In 1938 the name of the University was changed to “Regia Universita’ degli Studi” (Royal University of Trieste)
Opatija 06/10/2007 Area Science Park ISMAR-CNR Istituto di Scienze Del Mare Elettra Synchrotron ICGB International Centre For Genetics and Biotechnology TWAS Thirld Word Academy of Science ICTP International Centre For Theoretical Physics ICS International Centre For Science and High Technology Astronomical Observatory OGS National Institute For Oceanography and Exp. Geophysics Marine Biology Laboratory Trieste University Trieste System Over 30 researchers every 1000 active citizens (8.1 in USA, 9.1 in Japan, 5.7 in Europe)
Opatija 06/10/2007
Faculties Advanced School for Interpreters and Translators Architecture Economics Education Engineering Humanities Law Medicine Pharmacy Polytical Sciences Psicology Science (Mathematics, Physics & Natural Sciences)
Opatija 06/10/ Departments 7 Interdipartimental Research Centres 3 Centres of Excellence 40 Libraries Books Subscriptions 8000 e-journals 85 Bibliographic databases University Press -EUT- The dimension
Opatija 06/10/2007 Centres of excellence GeoNetLab - TeleGeomatics CEB - Biocrystallography Nanostructured Materials & Surfaces
Opatija 06/10/2007 Studies in Trieste 47 undergraduate degree programmes 61 graduate degree programmes 23 first & second-level masters 44 PhD programmes 31 specialization courses 1500 foreing students from 73 countries (the second University in the whole Italian system) The post graduate degree courses in Physics and Astrophysics have been organized in collaboration with ICTP An international joint degree (laurea magistrale) on Marine Biology has been established with the Slovenian University of Primorska, Koper UniTS acts as coordinator of the CEI (Central European Initiative) University Network, in cooperation with the CEI Secretariat.
Opatija 06/10/2007 Alma Laurea 2006 Find a job between 1 o 3 years after graduation Univ. Trieste National Average Do not work or look for a job Studies Output
Opatija 06/10/2007 International relations Scientific agreements: Worldwide partnerships with about 105 Universities testify to the UniTS global networking research activities. (Albania, Angola, Argentine, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Bosna-Herzegovina, Brasil, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Rep., Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungaria, Iceland, Israel, Japan, Kosovo, Malta, Morocco, Nigeria, Paraguay, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Serbia, Siria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, UK, USA). Erasmus Programme: ≈ 400 incoming students, ≈ 300 outgoing students (330 bilateral agreements)
Opatija 06/10/2007 National ranking Mathematics and Informatic Sciences 6 Physics 9 Chemistry 2 Earth Sciences 4 Biology 16 Medical Sciences 4 Civil Engineering and Architecture 5 Industrial and Information engineering 1 Antiquities, philological-literary and historical-artistic Sciences 12 Historical, philosophical and psychological Sciences 3 Law Sciences 2 Political and Social Sciences 7 Science of Nano and Micro Systems 1 Science and Technology for the evaluation and exploitation of cultural goods 5 National Evaluation Council
Opatija 06/10/2007 E.R.Di.S.U Ente Regionale per il Diritto e le Opportunità allo Studio Universitario 2040 Scholarships M€ (2006/07) ≈ 450 lodging for students (45 in Gorizia) 1200 €/year as a contribution for rent reduction ≈ meals in cafeteria ( €) 1/2 price for the bus transportation Student card