ONLINE LEARNING Unlock Your Potential
Freedom from Classes n You are not required to attend class n You can fit assigned work around your own schedule n There is no travel time n You log into class everyday on your own schedule n You are responsible for your own learning
Expectations n Login everyday to check new messages n Participate in all assignment discussions n Reflect on comments by/from classmates n Practice good time management skills n Have basic computer knowledge n Read the assigned material n Contact me if you have questions
Online Learning n This is a new experience for most of you. The major challenges are in time management and participation. You are expected to become involved in this course and overcome the challenges in order to create and maintain good working relationships with your fellow students.
LEARNING HOW TO LEARN n Nothing new is easy and online learning is no exception. However, I think you will soon learn that the advantages are significant and the more you participate, the easier it will become. Soon you will be a pro at this online learning stuff.