Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 Headmaster for a day in Emilia-Romagna in Emilia-Romagna Tuesday 27th April 2010
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010
Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Rosa Luxemburg Bologna Istituto Tecnico Commerciale “Giuseppe Ginanni” Ravenna
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 The Ginanni Institute aims at innovative educational methods The Institute of Commerce Ginanni of Ravenna has completed the second phase of a major Comenius Regio European project, a tool promoted by the European Union, in which the School is a partner with the Region, the Regional Education Department Office and three Emilia – Romagna schools. Camelia Gavrila, Headmistress of the school of excellence Colegiul Negruzzi of the Romanian city of Iasi, played the experience "Headmaster for a day in Emilia-Romagna" and spent the entire day of Tuesday working side by side with the Headmistress of ITC Ginanni Patrizia Ravagli. The delegation was also composed by the Iasi teacher Elvira Rotundu. The experience was very positive and the guests fully entered the Italian school system being able to live “from inside" the activities and the issues that a manager has to solve daily, and could also observe the good practices that are implemented in the Institute.
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 Presentation of the School Meeting with the staff of the Headmistress Visit to the Secretary office and Library Daily activities of the Headmistress: mail reading, reception of teachers, students, parents Planning of group work Meeting with teachers in the Teachers’ Room Award of the Prize “Scuola 10 e lode” to Class 2 A igea Class councils with parents and students Agenda: Monitoring of Planning Analysis of Class situation Analysis of textbooks
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 The day begins… Mrs. Elvira Rotundu, Mrs. Camelia Gavrilă, Mrs. Patrizia Ravagli
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 Colegiul Negruzzi Iasi
Colegiul “Costache Negruzzi” Iaşi 6th October 2010 Programme Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010 School presentation The Headmaster’s agenda: Dealing with the everyday problems Correspondence file Verifying the administrative services, the lunch room, the library Teaching moments: Gym class, Informatics, Physics Work meeting – Projects, strategies of some of the methodological committees: Romanian language, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, history
Comenius Regio YES 13 December 2010
Comenius Regio YES 13° december 2010 Circulation and exchange of information Exchange of experience In-depth analysis of different realities and of different approaches to common issues Sharing of typical problems of the partner school and sharing of solutions Practical methods and innovative techniques adaptable to own school reality Reflection to modify and adapt relational aspects of interventions
Comenius Regio YES 13° december 2010 Equal exchange of different experience, with possible spin-off in the different fields of operation Cues to modify some interventions Involvement of all school staff Emphasis on the short and long – run difficulties
Comenius Regio YES 13° december 2010 Little time Topic meetings needed Great difference in the schools’ target Great difference in the schools’ mission
Comenius Regio YES 13° december 2010