GBN VALUE WHEEL MISSION To continually offer, develop and manage market leading Global Business Networks for IDA’s members and partners.
NETWORKING PLATFORM COMMUNICAION Strive for an active, open and honest dialogue. TEAMWORK Develop better solutions by working together, use collective experiences. TRUST Demonstrate trust in fellow networkers and encourage an open and trusting environment where inclusion, sharing of best practise, and the general group dynamics are top of mind. INNOVATION Nurture an environment that, in all respects, encourages new ideas and the willingness to share and develop them. RECOGNITION Demonstrate an ongoing interest in people and their activities, and recognise their contributions. GROWTH Commit to the development of the network core and the long term relationships between the members.
CODE OF CONDUCT AND ETHICS >The primary purpose of this network is to share experiences and bring new insight and knowledge to the network. >Networking and selling are not the same thing. This is also true for IDA Global Business Networks. Confidentiality in the network is essential to maximise knowledge sharing. >The specific member’s formal and informal boundaries for knowledge sharing should be aligned between the member and his/her company. >The aim for a IDA Global Business Network member should not be: to commercially promote themselves or their company, to recruit new employees within the network group, or to sell services within the networks. >Outsiders are welcome to contact members and companies in the networks about assignments and offers as long as it contributes positively to the group and does not conflict with the general Code of Conduct of the networks.