Interactive session: Mapping the BPM-Notation on a SDWH layered architecture Discussion on Vision in sub groups
2 For the operational analytical activities we have used the Business Process Model Notation (BPMN), in a simplified version, in which only four descriptor objects are used, they are: activity object describes the actor and the sub – process which must be realized. sequence flow object shows in which order the activities are performed; association object is used to associate objects, and can indicate some directionality using an open arrowhead, toward the object to represent a result, from the object to represent an input, and both to indicate it is read and updated; data objects (represented with a rhombus) show the reader which data is required or produced in an activity. A: sub-process which must be done Actor business architecture – BPM Notation data
3 1 th Group The Structural Business Statistics SBS cover industry, construction, trade and services. Presented according to the Statistical Classification of Economy Activity in the European Union (NACE 2) activity classification, they describe the structure, conduct and performance of businesses. Generally SBS does not collect information on products. The external trade and the production of specific products are covered by Prodcom and external trade statistics. BPM Analysis: Structural Business Statistics SBS CASE 1 CODEPERIODDESCRIPTION 11110AnnualNumber of enterprises 12110AnnualTurnover 12120AnnualProduction value 16110AnnualNumber of persons employed
4 BPM Analysis: Structural Business Statistics (EE-Case) 1 th Group
5 2 th Group The External Trade statistics track the value and quantity of goods traded between EU Member States (intra-EU trade) and between Member States and non-EU countries (extra-EU trade). They are the official source of information on imports, exports and trade balance of the EU, its Member States and the euro area. We will make a top-down analysis of the two ET measures, independently from the products. These measures are related to other statistical production lines considered: BPM Analysis: External Trade statistics ET CASE 4 CODEPERIODDESCRIPTION 01monthly Quantity expressed in net mass 02monthly Quantity expressed in supplementary units
6 BPM Analysis: External Trade statistics (IT-Case) 2 th Group
7 3 th Group Short-term statistics (STS) describe the most recent developments of country economies. STS cover four major economic domains: industry, construction, retail trade and other services. In the field of STS, the development in the different economic domains is described with a series of indicators (STS indicators) such as production, turnover, new orders received, prices, number of persons employed, gross wages and several more. STS indicators are published as indices which show the changes of the indicator in comparison with a fixed reference year. STS indicators are generally published with a monthly frequency. These measures are related to other statistical production lines considered: BPM Analysis: Short-term statistics (STS) CASE 3 CODEPERIODDESCRIPTION A:110Monthly Industrial production
8 BPM Analysis: Structural Business Statistics STS (IT-Case) 3 th Group
9 4 th Group The Statistical Business Register is a register of all enterprises as well as their workplaces. The availability of Statistical BRs is the key to the compilation of consistent and comparable short-term and structural business statistics. SBRs are crucial for establishing efficient statistical survey frames which aim to reduce the reporting burden on enterprises. We will make a top-down analysis from two significant BR values, which even if they are not objects of direct statistical output at Estat level, have an important impact on economic-stratification characteristics for STS and SBS: BPM Analysis: Statistical Business Register (SBR) CASE 5 CODEPERIODDESCRIPTION 11110AnnualNumber of enterprises 11210AnnualNumber of local units
A: Register unit B: Statistical Methods unit C: Information Collection department D: Dissemination unit E: Statistical Producers units F: Economical Statistics department G: National Accounts department F, G: 6.2 validate outputs B 4.1 select sample B, C: 4.2 set up collection C: 4.3 run collection A: 5.2 classify & code (priorities) A: 5.3 review, validate & edit A: 5.1 integrate data A: 7.1 update output systems A: 6.2 validate outputs D, E: 7.2 produce dissemination products SBR changes (T-1) Complete SBR (T-1) SBR Surveys data Administr ative data BPM Analysis: Statistical Business Register (PT-Case) 10 4 th Group
11 To this aim, it will be used a graphical mapping of GSBPM on a SDWH layered architecture, where: GSBPM phases are on horizontal axe on different columns SDWH layers are on vertical axe on different rows they cross produce a cell-matrix representation of possible sub- processes. gray diagonal represents, in a generic statistical process, the most probable association area between SDWH-layers and GSBPM phases. Mapping the BPM-Notation on a SDWH layerd architecture To include a sub-process in a process flow we fill a cell-matrix with a circle and connect subsequent sub-processes. As on BPMN, rhombus are representing data objects and must be positioned at layer level. In order to identify actor of each sub-process we fill each circle with several color. The different actors will be referenced on a separated legend with the associated color. CAWI
Example of mapping a Business Process on a SDWH architecutre: Mapping the BPM-Notation on a SDWH layerd architecture 12 4 Collect5 Process6 Analyze 7 Disseminate source Layer access Layer integration layer interpretation and analysis layer CAWI admin balance-fiscal-tax Legend: A - Data collection department B - Enterprise statistical department