NeXtGeneration CTE Aligning District Priorities
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Articulated career pathways enable seamless transition from one educational level to the next while maximizing dual enrollment and advanced placement opportunities. ACTIVITIES ► Enhance Tech Prep Opportunities Grant applications/revisions MCC Articulation Meetings monthly Articulation agreements with MCC, USF, Keiser University, Johnson & Wales ► Status: ongoing review, annual revisions Development of additional A.S. programs at MCC in Venice ► Status: beginning meetings Alignment of HS programs with SCTI, MCC, and other postsecondary institutions ► Status: HS programs complete, undergoing review/revision of programs at SCTI and MCC, with minimal impact on HS QUALITY Goals Addressed: ► Provide all students with instructional pathways that support development of a career interest. ► Provide technical training opportunities that culminate in a gold seal endorsement or certificate.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Community partnerships provide advisory and supporting roles for all CTE programs. ACTIVITIES ► District Advocacy Council meeting every other month Purpose: Provide advisory and community partnerships for OJT, internships, program alignment with business expectations, curriculum resources and support ► Program Advisory Committees – SCTI Status: well established, regularly meeting ► District Cluster Advisory Committees –by career cluster (aligned with SLCs) Status: Beginning with Business/Marketing/Finance ► Current Partnerships (including representation on Boards and Committees) Suncoast Workforce Board, Sarasota Chamber of Commerce, Construction Technology Careers, Junior Achievement, YoungBiz, Economic Development Corporation, USF Stavros Center SERVICE Goals Addressed: ► We will frequently ask our customers how we are doing. ► Our employees will consistently receive marks for excellent service and for warm and welcoming climate. RESOURCES Goals Addressed: ► Continue to spend money wisely and efficiently with community oversight. ► Build state-of-the-art school facilities to strengthen instructional programs. ► Enhance access to technology tools for instructional and operational improvement. ► Tap community volunteers to serve as mentors for all at-risk students, support small learning communities and foster “real world” learning. ► Increase collaborative planning and shared services with community partners.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Curriculum at all levels integrates core academic requirements with career and technical content. ACTIVITIES Middle School Developed Career Exploration and Planning curriculum for approved integrated courses ► Status: being pilot tested by MS CTE teachers, minor revisions in progress Need to expand comprehensive MS CTE programs High School Need to develop standards-based curriculum for all CTE programs QUALITY Goals Addressed: ► Provide all students with instructional pathways that support development of a career interest. ► Provide technical training opportunities that culminate in a gold seal endorsement or certificate.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) as integral components of CTE programs enhance leadership opportunities and provide the opportunity to showcase student work. ACTIVITIES ► Increase student and teacher participation in career and technical student organizations Status: increase in from 2 active chapters to 8 active chapters; goal: 100% ► Provide professional development and support for new chapters Status: 1-day training conducted, ongoing on-site support as needed, funding support for new chapters QUALITY Goals Addressed: ► Reduce the dropout rate and increase the graduation rate through the creation of a smaller, personalized learning environment responsive to individual needs. ► Infuse rigor, relevance and relationships into all aspects of K-12 instruction. ► Provide all students with instructional pathways that support development of a career interest.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Facilities and equipment upgrades and planning ensure that student experiences develop skills employers need. ACTIVITIES ► Identification of new HS programs/equipment & facilities needed for SLCs Status: Programs identified, equipment surveys completed, facilities modifications/layout in progress in coordination with other departments ► Identification of MS program needs Status: equipment surveys completed, researching equipment and curriculum options ► Identification of SCTI High School program needs Status: equipment surveys completed, researching equipment and funding options RESOURCES Goals Addressed: ► Build state-of-the-art school facilities to strengthen instructional programs. ► Enhance access to technology tools for instructional and operational improvement.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Instructional techniques enable teachers to actively monitor, adjust, and engage students in the learning process. ACTIVITIES ► Instructional materials identification for existing and new programs Status: Research in progress, meeting with teachers to determine appropriate materials for new courses ► Targetted professional development for CTE instructors Status: Implemented Reading in CTE, Mathematics in CTE, Communicating the Value of CTE to a variety of stakeholders, Implementing CTSOs in Your CTE Curriculum; planning of summer institute to enhance teacher ability to implement new CTE courses and programs PEOPLE Goal Addressed: ► Research-based professional development opportunities for staff aligned with the goals of the district.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Marketing efforts effectively communicate CTE program benefits and successes to a variety of target audiences. ACTIVITIES ► District Marketing/Public Relations campaign for CTE (2-year RFP) Includes “branding” of CTE through a variety of media and target audiences, anticipated deliverables include logo, web site, newsletter template, promotional products, advertisements (television, radio, print) Status: Proposal review in progress, anticipated contract awarded in April SERVICE Goal Addressed: ► Technological advances will allow schools to keep parents better informed and more involved in their children’s education on a daily basis.
CTE Priority: CTE Priority: Professional development for all career and technical staff is systemic, appropriate and timely. ACTIVITIES ► CTE Content Area professional development program Implemented training for four of the eight priority areas Survey teacher needs for implementation of new content and/or retraining for critical needs certification areas ► Status: in progress, as a component of developing 5-year CTE staffing plan Define professional development needs for implementation of new courses/programs for HS SLCs ► Status: in progress, will be developing in conjunction with Curriculum, a summer institute for teachers to target specific training needs QUALITY Goal Addressed: ► Infuse rigor, relevance and relationships into all aspects of K-12 instruction. PEOPLE Goal Addressed: ► Research-based professional development opportunities for staff aligned with the goals of the district.
CTE 3-month Activities TASKWHODUE Order SLC equipment Justin/MellissaMarch Order MS equipment Justin/MellissaMarch SCTI Phase in/out plan MellissaMarch HS CTE Facility Design Mellissa/JustinMarch High School registration form ArnallMarch CTE Textbook order ArnallMarch SLC Course approval Arnall/MellissaMarch MS/HS Staffing Plan MellissaMarch CTE Marketing Plan Mellissa/Arnall/Justin March – July SCTI Budget MellissaApril SCTI Staffing Plan MellissaApril SCTI Transition Plan MellissaApril Business/Marketing/Finance Cluster Meeting Justin/Arnall/MellissaApril CTE Budget Mellissa/Arnall/JustinApril HS Course Listing ArnallMay Program Review Process Mellissa/Arnall/JustinJune
CTE Ongoing Major Tasks TASKWHODUE MS/HS Support Team Meetings Mellissa/Arnall/Justin Ongoing – weekly SCTI SAC Mellissa Ongoing – monthly SCTI Graduations MellissaOngoing Curriculum Meetings Arnall/Justin/Mellissa Ongoing – weekly CTE Staff Meetings Mellissa/Arnall/Justin/Julie Ongoing – weekly Technical High School Planning Mellissa Ongoing – weekly NewsletterJulie Ongoing – monthly STARArnall Ongoing – weekly MCC Articulation Mellissa Ongoing – monthly Lori’s Meeting Mellissa Ongoing – weekly SIS Meetings Mellissa Ongoing – every other week Construction Planning Meetings Mellissa Ongoing – weekly School visits Mellissa/Arnall/JustinOngoing District Advocacy Council Mellissa Ongoing – every other month