FIRST YEAR Core ModelSemester Management AccountingSemester Two Inside OrganisationsSemester One and Two Business EconomicsSemester One and Two Mathematics for BusinessSemester One Data Analysis for Decision MakersSemester One Business in SocietySemester One
SECOND YEAR Core ModelSemester Management AccountingSemester Two Cross-Cultural ManagementSemester One and Two Principles of FinanceSemester One People at WorkSemester One ICT in BusinessSemester Two Marketing: Firms, Customers &Semester One and Two Foundations of Management ThoughtSemester One
THIRD YEAR Core ModelSemester Business StrategySemester One New Venture Creation & DevelopSemester One Understanding the Host Country Year Long Module
THIRD YEAR Elective ModelSemester Financial Accounting 2 Semester Two Tax in SocietySemester One and Two Cost ManagementSemester One and Two Corporate Governance, Company Law and Labour Law Semester One Financial Accounting 3Semester One Strategic Management AccountingSemester One Business & Personal Taxesinancial Statement Analysis Leadership and Change ManagementSemester One
THIRD YEAR Elective ModelSemester Global Industry Analysis Semester Two Supply Chain ManagementSemester One and Two Governing the Int.Business EnvSemester One and Two Org.Knowledge,Creativity&InnovSemester One Entrepreneurial ManagementSemester One Managing Service OperationsSemester One EU Policy in Business Applied Econometrics ISemester One
THIRD YEAR Elective ModelSemester Industrial Economics Semester Two Economics of Public PolicySemester One and Two Advanced MicroeconomicsSemester One and Two International Money and BankingSemester One International Trade EconomicsSemester One International Financial ManagementSemester One Advanced Corporate Finance Semester One and Two Green Venture FinanceSemester One
THIRD YEAR Elective ModelSemester Financial Institution Management Semester Two Treasury and Risk ManagementSemester One and Two Investment and Portfolio Management Semester One and Two Behavioural FinanceSemester One Econometrics of Financial MarkSemester One European IR and HRMSemester One International HRM (Project/Fieldtrip) Semester One and Two The Future of WorkSemester One