1 HW205 Unit 7 Seminar Popular Herbs
2 Learning Objectives Identify common herbs and know when they would be recommended. Understand the categorization of herbs. Be able to define an herb. Know what the German Commission E Monographs are. Understand the issues surrounding herbs and potential contamination
3 Outline of Seminar Introduction of phytochemicals Definition of herbs Categorization of herbs Introduction of German Commission E Monographs Issues surrounding herbs: safety, regulation, contamination Q & A
4 What are phytochemicals? They are not considered essential because the body does not develop a deficiency disease if they do not consume them The body cannot make phytochemicals Thousands of phytochemicals are found in foods; some foods contain hundreds of them
5 Characteristics Provide color and flavor and protect plants from insects, microbes and oxidation –Over 2000 phytochemicals act as pigments –At least 600 carotenoids- orange, yellow and red Act as plant hormones Components of plant’s energy-making process Amount and type of phytochemicals vary greatly depending on the plant
6 How do phytochemicals work? Act as hormone-inhibiting substances that prevent the initiation of cancer Serve as antioxidants that prevent and repair damage due to oxidation Block or neutralize enzymes that promote the development of cancer and other diseases Modify the absorption, production or utilization of cholesterol Decrease formation of blood clots
7 Examples of Phytochemicals Indoles, isothiocynates- in cruciferous vegetables Allicin- in garlic, onions, leeks, chives, shallots Terpenes- in oranges, lemons and grapefruit Phytoestrogens- in soybeans, peanuts Lignans- flaxseed, seaweed, soybeans, bran Saponins- dried beans, whole grains, red wine Flavonoids- apples, strawberries, red wine, Carotenoids- dark green, red, yellow vegetables Isoprenoids- fruits, vegetables, whole grains, flaxseed
8 Health benefits Diets rich in vegetables and fruits are protective against heart disease and certain cancers Also reduce risk of macular degeneration and cataracts Reduce risk of infectious diseases, adult- onset diabetes, stroke, hypertension and other disorders Studies in humans have not yet been completed
9 True or False??? Dietary supplements must be tested for safety and effectiveness before they can be sold.
10 True or False??? False. They can be sold without proof of safety or efficacy.
11 True or False??? Herbal remedies have been used for over a hundred years in Germany so they must be safe and effective.
12 True or False??? False. Results of clinical trials, and not historic use, are the gold standard for determining the safety and effectiveness of herbal remedies and other dietary supplements.
13 What is an herb? Botanical Definition: Plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties.. Medicinal Definition Part of a plant which contains medicinal properties
14 The Science of Herbal Use Phytotherapy: The science of using plant medicine to positively impact illness. German physician Rudolf Fritz Weiss ( ) wrote the Textbook of Phytotherapy. This book has become one of the leading authorities as a reference for herbal medicine.
15 Categorization of Herbs Adaptogens: Herbs that have a nonspecific effect of balancing the body systems. Analgesics: Herbs that are taken to relieve pain. Antioxidants: Help to fight against free radical damage. Astringents: They have a tightening effect and helps to promote a toning effect on tissue.
16 Categorization of Herbs Carminatives: This word is derived from the Latin word carminare meaning “to cleanse”. Cholagogues: Help to stimulate both the production and flow of bile from the gallbladder. Demulcents: These herbs help to soothe or protect irritated mucous membranes due to their high mucilage content. Expectorants: Assist in expelling mucus from the lungs and throat.
17 Categorization of Herbs Digestive Bitters: These help in the digestion of foods eaten. Immunomodulators: Promote healthy immune function. Laxatives: Promote elimination. Bulk forming or stimulant.
18 Herbal Remedies In 2000, 12% of adults reported daily use of herbal supplements Approximately 30% of all modern drugs derived from plants Plant products known to treat disease are considered drugs but OTC herbs are not
19 Effects of Herbal Remedies Herbal remedies are mild, but may still have side effects Available evidence indicates that some herbal remedies are safe and effective while others are neither safe nor effective
20 Which supplements are potentially beneficial? German Commission E Monographs: Created in Germany, these monographs describe plant medicine, their health care applications, dosages and safety precautions. There are more than 300 monographs listed currently that have been reviewed by professionals in the field of natural medicine.
21 FDA Regulations Supplements are considered safe until demonstrated to be hazardous by the FDA –Few have been adequately tested –Negative results may not be reported FDA received over 2800 reports of adverse effects of supplements, including 105 deaths
22 Herbal Contamination and Quality Issues As discussed earlier, herbs are one of the classes of supplements that are governed by DSHEA. However it does not regulate the following: Where it is grown (quality of soil – organic, etc.) Soil composition (mineral content, etc) Harvesting techniques
23 Herbal Contamination and Quality Issues Other factors affecting safety, quality, and potency: Standardization Contamination of soil with heavy metals Irradiated vs. non-irradiated (not labeled, used to kill molds and insects)
24 Quality assurance U.S. Pharmacopeia- USP National Formulary- NP Consumer Laboratories- CL Look for USP, NP or CL on the label Health-related claims on supplements may or may not be true. Do your own research!
25 Considering Use of Herbal Remedies Don’t use for self-diagnosed, serious health conditions Let your physician know what you are taking If taking prescriptions meds, discuss use of herbs with physician Don’t use without medical advice if pregnant or considering pregnancy Check label for possible allergies If you have a bad reaction, stop taking Investigate herbs before using
26 Summary and Q & A Not all herbs and supplements are the same. You MUST know what you are looking for on the label before recommending or taking herbal products on your own. Learn quality brands, look for standardization and know where to look for proper dosages (German Commission E Monographs) Don’t trust the internet blindly…lots of things are put out there without screening.
27 Learning Activities Reading: This week, you visit the BS Resource Room for the School of Health Sciences. Go to the Virtual Library, register, then spend some time looking up articles having to do with herbs and/or herbal medicine. Choose an article that interests you. Be sure to cite the article, journal and any quotations using APA format. Further Notes: Be sure to read the Further Notes section, under Unit 7. Discussion: This week we will discuss the article on herbs and/or herbal medicine that you selected when you completed the Reading assignment and visited the BS Resource Room for the School of Health Sciences. Be sure to cite the article, journal and any quotations using APA format. Exercise: Using your Mosby � s book, the Internet and a trip to a health food store, read about and compare three different herbs. For each herb, find one standardized and one non-standardized brand. Write down what is on the bottle in the Nutrition Facts Panel and Ingredients as well as the price. Did the supplements with the standardization cost more? Were there other interesting differences like GMP or organic stamps on the standardized products? Then write a two page report (APA style with references) on the differences that you found with each herb from the store and from your references.