Sharon Beynon October 22, 2009 For audio call Toll Free and use PIN/code Add Fun and Interest to Teaching Online with Audio Clips
Maximize your CCC Confer window. Mute your phone (*6) if you have visitors or noise in your office. Please note phone audio may be in presenter-only mode. Ask questions over the phone when the presenter prompts. Ask questions throughout presentation via the chat window. Housekeeping
Adjusting your computer audio 1)To listen on your computer, adjust your speaker volume 2)If youre using a phone, click on phone headset. 3)To speak youll need a microphone or USB headset. a) First, run the audio wizard Tools/Audio/Audio Setup Wizard. b) Second, press on the mic icon when its available (release when finished speaking)
Saving Files & Open/close Captions 1.Save chat window with floppy disc icon 2.Open/close captioning window with CC icon
Emoticons and Polling 1.Raise hand and Emoticons 2.Polling options
How to make online classes experiential in the same way face-to-face classes can be? How to create lively, interesting discussions that relate to current developments in our disciplines.
When the Nobel prize winners are announced, many of us enter class and discuss the poet or the scientists work with students. Using online audio/video clip posts, this sort of experience can be simulated! You post a clip, then encourage students to listen and respond in a discussion or chat room.
Interest Links are audio or video curriculum connections that dont add more reading to an online class.
A Useful Math Site
Example Lession
Direct students to NPR sites like this one where weird 19 th Century climate is shown to have affected Frankenstein!
- Using the Print Screen option on your computer keyboard, you can paste a screen image into your online delivery system. Either hyperlink it, or paste the web address there for students to find.
Plowman_KWH_ mp
Interest Links add flavor and fun to the sometimes dull work of an online class. These are easy to implement and useful for addressing various learning styles and course contents. Thanks for attending!
Sharon Beynon Q&A
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