GPEA Government Paperwork Elimination Act »GPEA Signed 10/21/98 Federal agencies must offer E gov’t in place of paper by 10/21/03 Financial Management Service (FMS) builds E gov’t system - View Federal agency bill Submit forms to agencies Authorize payments & collections Access information which requires authentication components Forms submittal Payments and collections Authentication Agency reporting
Forms submittal ATF forms converted to electronic documents Customers select form from menu Customers complete form on line Form is submitted directly to ATF
Payments and Collections Customers can pay taxes, fees, other payments Transactions are Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit entries
Authentication Electronic Signatures made legal 7/00 Verification engine verifies information submitted by customer Users are identified thru passwords Digital signatures and biometrics may be used for some applications
Agency Reporting FMS provides detailed information back to agencies Format received is at agency discretion Information populates agency databases On line edits and audits ensure accurate data
ATF Pilot ATF will be first agency to pilot Pilot with tobacco manufacturers excise tax form Start in 10/00 Add additional forms in 2001
Procedures Customers go to ATF web page Select E Filing option Hyperlinked to Login using previously approved password Select form to be completed from menu
Form completion Form will not look exactly like paper version It will be identical in information requested and order of information Form will be pre-populated with certain customer data
Form Completion Dropdown boxes available for assistance Customer enters data in required fields Calculations automatically completed Entered data appears in all required fields Prompt appears asking if data is correct for submittal
Form Completion Customer hits “send” Customer receives tracking number unique to that transaction ACH receipt provided if financial transaction occurred
COLAs Certificates of Label Approval (COLA) 70,000 received last year Interest from industry in e filing COLAs May use system outside Transmit image of label Possibility of industry developing system and “donating” it to ATF
Benefits to Industry Reduces taxpayer burden Meets their need for electronic commerce Access to government 24/7 Fast Efficient Cost effective Accurate Productive
Benefits to Government Accurate data in our databases Faster processing of forms Reduction in paper processing & storage Better use of government resources
Contact for Information Tom Stewart Chief Revenue Operations Branch Bureau Of Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms