PAGE 1 NGP Update
PAGE 2 Highlights Received 79,752 Submissions for this FY Have Registered 69,436 AORs Send out over 1.3 million notifications each week Help Desk averages 656 calls per day For the NIH R01 March 5 deadline, they received just over 4,800 submissions 70147
PAGE 3 Deployment of New System Week of March 26 will complete Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) testing The three pilot Federal agency testers -- NEH, NIH and ED will begin testing the week of April 2 – Upon there completion, we will open up the testing environment to all Federal grant agencies and the three applicant testers The full deployment to production is scheduled for the first week of May.
PAGE 4 System-to-System (S2S) Have received 2861 S2S applications this FY Since December of 2006 over 125 new organizations have requested access to use S2S System-to-system transfer of application data continues to increase for NIH – For the March 5 RO1 closing, over 14% of the error-free applications received used system-to-system transmissions (up from 10% in February). For S2S transmissions: 76% of the error-free submissions were received on the first attempt and 94% were received within two attempts