Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® Workshop Scientific and Technological Development in the Americas The Importance of Renewable Energy for the Region / Photovoltaic Collectors to Establish Internet Connections in High Schools in the Galapagos Islands Francis de Winter December 10, 2003
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® Crude Oil Availability
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® Public / Private Partnerships President’s Million Solar Roofs ∙ White House Millennium Council ∙ National Town Meeting for a Sustainable America President’s Council on Sustainable Development ∙ US-Africa Energy Ministerial ∙ Operation Day’s Work Solar Q uest ®
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® e7 Micro Solar Distance Learning Initiative BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE Information & Communications Technologies (ICTs) for Human Capacity Development Multi-sector Knowledge Management Services e-governance ∙ distance learning ∙ telemedicine ∙ agriculture ∙ environment ∙ e-commerce
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® MicroSolar: Galapagos Capacity Building Partners e-Governance: Government of Ecuador, Provincial Government of the Galapagos, INGALA. Distance Education: Provincial Ministry of Education, University of San Francisco Quito, Colegio Ignacio Hernandez Vocational Technical School. Telemedicine: San Cristobal Hospital, East Carolina University, University San Francisco Quito. Agriculture: US Peace Corps, Agricultural Cooperative (San Cristobal) Micro-Credit program. Environment: Charles Darwin Research Station, Galapagos National Park Service. Commerce: Galapagos Board of Tourism, ElecGalapagos SA.
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® Technology Architecture SYSTEMS INTEGRATION Advanced Satellite Telecommunications Information Technology / Renewable Energy Distance Learning / Remote Management Access Grid / Tele-immersion T E C H N O L O G Y P A R T N E R S & C A P A C I T I E S Government / Universities / Industry Non-Governmental Agencies Remote Monitoring ∙ Technology Test Beds ∙ Market Development
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® MicroSolar: Galapagos DSM / RUE / RES Monitoring Data Collection Network Wireless Local Loop (WLL) to electric power monitoring points: power generating plants, residential, commercial, institutional, industrial, DSM / RUE pilot projects. Monitor electrical generation data on monthly basis and related fuel consumption classified by time and user sector.
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® Demand Side Management Goals: DSM Targets by Sector Public Lighting: 14% of Total Consumption Installation of energy efficient lamps; Installation of timers and light sensing control systems; Improved grid maintenance; Grid security, theft prevention. O N L I N E D A T A B A S E W I T H C U S T O M I Z E D R E P O R T I N G C A P A B I L I T Y Performance Monitoring - Remote Diagnostics
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® DSM / RUE: Feasibility & Design Subtask 2. Pilot Measures Execution, Cont. Action 2.1. Technical Specifications Low-power devices, power quality control low maintenance, reliable performance T E C H N O L O G Y P E R F O R M A N C E V S. P U B L I C P O L I C Y Public Acceptance of Quality, Performance, and Pricing
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® DSM / RUE: Feasibility & Design Subtask 4. Community Outreach Package Action 4.1. Education Program Design Education to DSM (RUE and RES) Goals, objectives and principles of RUE and RES measures will be explained and disseminated to improve community involvement in the project. The education material will be mainly based on the documents prepared for DSM Package Action 4.2. Education Program Implementation School-based, service learning initiative. Utilization of school facilities for adult education. N E W T E C H N O L O G Y C A P A C I T Y I N S T A L L E D I N S C H O O L S Performance Monitoring - Remote Diagnostics T E C H N O L O G Y L A B S (6) L A N G U A G E L A B S (2) M U L T I – M E D I A C L A S S R O O M S (2)
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® DSM / RUE: Micro Solar Distance Learning Package Subtask 5. Web-based Education and Monitoring Action 5.1. Micro-solar web site will provide Guidelines on DSM dedicated to the users education on RUE and RES measures and energy saving oriented behavior. On-line performance of the pilot measures will be monitored and available to for school curriculum and community outreach and education. On-line community education program will follow progress of RES and DSM implementation. R E S & R U E C U R R I C U L U M S U P P O R T E D U C A T I O N S T A N D A R D S Professional Development for Teachers - On-line Education Support Services V I R T U A L S C H O O L H O U S E
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® DSM / RUE: Micro Solar Distance Learning Package Subtask 5. Web-based Education and Monitoring, Continued Action 1.1: Data Collection and Analysis Grid consumption data collected on survey audits of all sectors utilizing WATTS-UP monitoring technology. Consumption classified by time and user sector: residential, commercial (shops, stores, hotels, restaurant, etc.) Data referenced to climatic data and correlated to fuel consumption. School-based, Service-learning program with professional development for teachers. S T A N D A R D S - B A S E D S C I E N C E C U R R I C U L U M Mathematics - Physics - Computer Science
Copyright 2003 SolarQuest® For more information …