A Year in Review
Jubilee Act Introduced! Introduced December 17 th Cosponsors in the House of Representatives Strong Bipartisan Support
Change Not Chains Campaign 22 Jubilee Action Parties Held Across the Nation 8 In-District Meetings Held to Advocate on Behalf of the Jubilee Act Over 10,349 Postcards Delivered to Members of Congress 47 Signs of Change Poster Deliveries to Congress
Haiti Jubilee USA led the call to cancel Haiti’s debt after the earthquake On July 21 st, the IMF, World Bank, and Inter-American Development Bank cancelled Haiti’s remaining multilateral debt.
Spotlight on Debt Neil Watkins Appeared on Rachel Maddow Show to uncover the debt crisis Op-ed featured in Washington Post on Haiti and the debt crisis Numerous, radio alerts, Letters to the Editors Thousands of Calls and Petitions to Treasury Secretary Geithner to cancel Haiti’s debt
Haiti in Congress The Haiti Debt Relief and Recovery Act House Subcommittee Hearing on Haiti and the Debt Crisis
Ecumenical Advocacy Days During Ecumenical Advocacy Days Jubilee USA partnered with our activists from around the country to link our faith, our voices, and our activism.
Jubilee’s Debt Detective Pat Rumer Travels to Zambia Shares Reports of Zambia After Debt Relief The Debt Detective gives an inside view to progress on Millennium Development Goals
Roots of Global Poverty Speaking Tour Wahu Kaara met with over 700 new and old Jubilee activists Toured in DC, MA, IN, PA, and TN Aided New Alliances and strengthened Jubile York, PA and Jubilee Massachusetts
United States Social Forum Jubilee USA participated in the 2010 United States Social Forum Lidy Nacpil, Jubilee South spoke on the plenary to raise awareness of the debt crisis
The G-20 Gets a D Jubilee USA issued an updated report on the progress of the G-20 and its commitments to the world’s poorest The Report uncovered the G-20’s failing grade on helping impoverished nations reach the MDGs.
Outreach to the Administration Jubilee organized high level advocacy meetings for key members of the Administration: National Security Council Treasury State Department White House Office on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships)
Obama Hears Jubilee USA Jubilee USA worked for Congress to send a letter to Obama asking for expanded debt cancellation 48 Members of Congress signed on in a landmark bipartisan effort
Jubilee Comes to the Aid of Pakistan Jubilee USA sent 30,000 petitions to Obama calling for a moratorium on debt Jubilee USA, Oxfam, and Avaaz met with Treasury to say no debt for disaster in Pakistan
Stand Up! Take Action! 107 Stand Up! Take Action Events Nationwide 41 Jubilee Sunday Services Participation in the NY and DC United Nations Millennium Campaign Events