Web Mission Information Reporting System Quick Start Training Texas Wing Civil Air Patrol Operations Directorate
Who needs this training? ICs, Alerting Officers, and ELT/MMs FROs Individuals working in Operations/Planning at missions or SAREXs
Open an account… If you are a member of a Squadron or Group your Group commander may authorize an administrative account for you. If you are a member of Wing staff you will contact the Operations Directorate to authorize access. Once your account is authorized you will be sent a username and a temporary password. The first time you use your account you’ll create your own personal password.
Now you’re ready to begin…
In the left frame…
You’re ready to enter the mission – A or B only – non-training missions. You can click on the next box to make a training request. This function basically replaces the form 10.
For training and o-flights this information is unnecessary. If you need to enter this information for a mission it will be given to you at the time of notification by the AFRCC..
For most missions you may simply skip over this part…
This information will be given to you at the time it is assigned. sheriff
Again, this is information that will be given to you at the time the mission is assigned. Otherwise, leave it blank.
Customer name is the “hiring” agency i.e. the state, AFRCC, etc. The POC and address belong to the individual you’re coordinating with at that agency. There is a phone number field you can add a phone number into if the address is unavailable. Agency being supported
This is typically the IC or ELT/MM information.
What is the purpose of the mission?
When? If you try to create the mission without an end date it will not allow you to do this.
Give an end date. You may need to edit this if the mission carries over several days. The backup date feature is especially helpful if you’re doing o-flights.
These items must be authorized through proper channels. Put a zero if unauthorized or not applicable. It won’t allow you to leave it blank.
Double check your entries and if all is ok…click on “submit”. Selecting this box will submit your information.
If your entry is complete you will then be taken back to the main mission list. Now, let’s try editing the mission by adding sorties.
Once the mission number has been entered, you will only need to add your sorties under that number. If you are working a SAREX you may be asked to enter sorties.
Remember that mission number they gave you?
Check all lines to be sure all information is correct…
Items of note while entering information: Under Agency Number/Comment if you didn’t enter anything in the request mode, nothing appears here. Under the Air and Ground areas list the number of sorties planned. The rest of the items are pretty straight forward.
Once you have requested your mission you must enter your proposed sorties to receive approval. Click once on the “0” in the air field of your mission. You will be taken to the screen below.
Important notes: The sortie number displays “new” until you finish processing the first mission. After this happens it goes to “1” and then numbers the rest of the sorties sequentially. The “REQ” number will display until the mission is approved. The tracking number is any internal number your activity may be using. As you continue through the list (they are pretty straight forward), if you don’t have back-up dates enter the actual date twice.
After all information has been entered the line will turn yellow.