N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Web-based Data Collection for AT Act Programs: Data from FY01 Annual Reports Presentation at RESNA’s Annual Meeting of AT Act Grantees July 28, 2003 – Washington, DC Prepared by Christene Tashjian, Senior Education Research Scientist, RTI International and Carol Cohen, Program Manager, NIDRR/U.S. Department of Education Presentation at RESNA’s Annual Meeting of AT Act Grantees July 28, 2003 – Washington, DC Prepared by Christene Tashjian, Senior Education Research Scientist, RTI International and Carol Cohen, Program Manager, NIDRR/U.S. Department of Education
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 2 Types of Costs Incurred to Ensure Access for Individuals with Disabilities abc a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Counts are duplicated because grantees could incur more than one type of cost. C Percentages are based on the number of grantees that incurred any type of cost to ensure access (46).
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 3 Number and Percentage of Grantees Using Particular Methods to Increase Public Awareness and Disseminate Information a,b Grantees Using Method c Method NumberPercentage Drop-ins to office and/or demonstration center4996 Mailings4894 Web site4894 Informational fact sheets/flyers for public4894 Telephone4792 Articles/notifications in other agency publications4792 Exhibits/fairs in public areas4792 Presentations4792 Reference library available to public4588 Manuals/guides/booklets4588 Radio/TV/newspaper4282 Newsletter/calendar of events3976 Database on AT information available to public3059 Public service announcements2651 Video(s) produced by AT project2039 Public forums conducted by grantee1937 Internet discussion list or bulletin/message board1835 Other1631 a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Counts are duplicated because grantees used more than one method/approach. c Percentages are based on the number of grantees conducting public awareness activities (51).
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 4 Number of Individuals Receiving Information from Selected Sources a a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Counts may be duplicated, particularly for web site hits and toll-free telephone calls. c Some grantees using particular methods were not able to report the number of consumers and/or families receiving information. The numbers of grantees that provided counts of consumers and/or families are as follows: newsletters, 38 of 39 that used this method; TA/training activities, 36 of 49; demonstrations, 43 of 47; presentations, 43 of 47; and forums, 19 of 19. d Some grantees using particular methods were not able to report the total number of individuals receiving information. The numbers of grantees that provided counts of individuals are as follows: web hits, 29 of 48 that used this method; newsletters, 38 of 39; toll-free telephone calls, 45 of 47; TA/training activities, 48 of 49; demonstrations, 46 of 47; presentations, 46 of 47; and forums, 19 of 19. e Details on grantee activities in these areas are discussed in later sections of this report. f Does not include individuals receiving information from web sites and toll-free telephone calls. Number of Recipients MethodConsumers and Families c All Individuals d Project web site hitsNot available3,186,540 Newsletters90,555232,581 Toll-free telephone callsNot available123,260 TA/training activities e 31,895104,540 Demonstrations48,855103,969 Presentationse29,31877,112 Public forums6,35712,010 Total206,980 f 3,840,012
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 5 Number of Grantees Conducting Interagency Coordination Activities with Each Type of Agency/Organization a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 49 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities. Counts are duplicated because grantees could report more than one activity. Community living/ human services/ Social services Education Health care Employment Telecommunications and IT Other
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 6 Types of Community Living/Human Services/Social Services Agencies/Organizations with Which Grantees Conducted Interagency Coordination Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 49 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities with community living/human services/social services organizations. Counts are duplicated because grantees could work with more than one agency/organization.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 7 Types of Education Agencies/Organizations with which Grantees Conducted Interagency Coordination Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 48 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities with education agencies/organizations. Counts are duplicated because grantees could work with more than one type of agency/organization.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 8 Types of Employment Agencies/Organizations with Which Grantees Conducted Interagency Coordination Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 46 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities with employment agencies/organizations. Counts are duplicated because grantees could work with more than one type of agency/organization.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 9 Types of Health Care Agencies/Organizations with which Grantees Conducted Interagency Coordination Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 47 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities with health care agencies/organizations. Counts are duplicated because grantees could work with more than one type of agency/organization.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 10 Types of Telecommunications and IT Agencies/ Organizations with which Grantees Conducted Interagency Coordination Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 43 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities with telecommunications and IT agencies/organizations. Counts are duplicated because grantees could work with more than one agency/organization.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 11 Focus of Interagency Activities, Across All Goal Areas a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web-based system are not included. b Includes grantees that targeted this focus through one or more interagency activities across the areas of community living, education, employment, health care, telecommunications/IT, and other. c Based on the number of grantees that conducted interagency activities (49). FocusNumber of Grantees b Percentage of Grantees c Increase program capacity to provide technology-related assistance 4694 Train personnel to assist individuals with disabilities to use AT 4592 Improve coordination between state human service programs and private entities 4592 Conduct outreach to underrepresented populations and rural populations 4490 Obtain financing to pay for assistive technology devices and services 4388 Change systems to ensure timely acquisition and delivery of AT devices and services 4286 Provide/disseminate information about the availability and potential of AT 3980 Other1122
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 12 Number of Grantees with Particular Types of Interagency Involvement a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b A total of 49 grantees reported conducting interagency coordination activities. Exhibit includes all types of interagency coordination activities. Counts are duplicated because grantees could have more than one type of involvement.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 13 TA/Training Participants, by Category a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Forty-nine grantees used AT funds for TA and training. Of these, 36 were able to report participants by category, which totaled 80,166. This chart is based on that information. Grantees also reported serving an additional 24,374 individuals that could not be categorized. c Includes case managers, counselors, educators, technology experts, and health professionals. d Includes members of the general public, students, and individuals whom grantees could not categorize.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 14 Topics Addressed by TA/Training Sessions a a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Percentages are based on number of grantees indicating that they used funds for TA/training (49). Counts are duplicated because grantees could report more than one type of TA/training. Grantees Addressing This Topic Topic NumberPercentage b AT evaluation/assessment practice/AT devices4796 Modifications/device-specific training4796 Computer/computer adaptations4694 Communication/AAC4592 Aids for daily living4490 Environmental modification (home/work/school)4388 Switch/access devices4388 Vision aids4286 Environmental control4184 Learning/curricular adaptations4184 Mobility aids4184 Recreation/leisure devices4082 Hearing devices3980 Positioning/seating/mounting devices3878 Durable medical equipment3673 Farm machinery adaptations1735 Funding/acquisition of AT devices or services4490 Advocacy/consumer rights issues/laws/informed consumer choice 4490 Development and implementation of laws, regulations, policies, practices, procedures, or organizational structures that promote access to AT devices and services 3980 Other816
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 15 Percentage of Grantees Conducting Outreach Activities, by Activity Type a,b,c a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Counts are duplicated because grantees could report more than one type of outreach activity. c Percentages are based on the number of grantees conducting outreach activities (46).
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 16 Underrepresented Groups Targeted by Outreach Activities, by Activity Type a,b,c a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web-based system are not included. b Counts are duplicated because grantees could target more than one population. c Percentages are based on the number of grantees conducting outreach activities (46). Outreach Combined with TA/Training Outreach Combined with Interagency Coordination Outreach Not Combined with Other Activities Population No. of Grantees Percentage of Grantees No. of Grantees Percentage of Grantees No. of Grantees Percentage of Grantees Persons with low-incidence disabilities Minorities Poor persons Persons with limited English proficiency Older individuals Persons from rural areas Other Total
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 17 Percentage of Demonstration Sites Offering Various Services a a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 18 Number and Percentage of Grantees Conducting Demonstrations at Various Locations a a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web- based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web-based system are not included. b Percentages are based on number of grantees conducting demonstrations (47). c Includes consumers’ homes, nursing facilities, colleges and universities, and other locations. Grantees Conducting Demonstrations at This Location Locations NumberPercentage b Conferences/expos/fairs/exhibits4494 AT regional centers4085 Nonprofit organizations3779 Schools3779 State agencies3779 Senior citizen centers3268 Health clinics/hospitals3166 Independent demos/lending centers 2962 Community centers2860 Rehabilitation centers2860 Community-based employer organizations 2553 Libraries2451 Workforce development resource centers 2145 Churches/synagogues1940 Shopping malls1940 Federal agencies1328 Web-based demos1021 Other c 1226
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 19 Percentage of Grantees Making Legislative and/or Policy Changes ab a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Percentages are based on the 40 grantees reporting legislative or policy changes. Total percent exceeds 100 due to rounding.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 20 Legislative and Policy Changes, by Area a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Percentages are based on a total of 71 legislative changes and a total of 103 policy changes.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 21 Number of Changes Affecting Particular Types of Individuals With Disabilities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Total number of legislative changes was 71; total number of policy changes was 103. Counts are duplicated because some changes affected more than one subgroup.
N I D R R National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research 22 Number of Legislative and Policy Changes Resulting in Capacity Building, Systems Change, or Advocacy Activities a,b a Data Source: All data are derived from RTI’s web-based data collection instrument and reporting system (developed by C.A. Tashjian, K. Ong, B. Hayward, L. Chewning, R. Nichols, and J. Price) for the NIDRR’s AT State Grantee Program. FY 2002 data are from year one of the system’s use. Data from additional hard-copy forms received from states not using the web- based system are not included. b Counts are duplicated because a single legislative or policy change could result in more than one systems change Number of Changes Capacity Building or Systems ChangeLegislativePolicy Improved coordination among state human service programs4261 Increased program capacity to provide technology-related assistance 3249 Provided/disseminated information about the availability and potential of AT 2855 Provided outreach to underrepresented populations and rural populations 2729 Systems changed to ensure timely acquisition and delivery of AT devices and services 2550 Obtained financing to pay for AT devices and services2445 Improved access to telecommunications and information technology 1626 Trained personnel to assist individuals with disabilities to use AT1328 Other103