University of PittsburghDepartment of Biomedical Informatics Promoting Interoperable Dental Terminologies Jodi Schneider 1,2, Tanja Bekhuis 1,2, Oluwabunmi Tokede 3, Elsbeth Kalenderian 3, Heiko Spallek 2 1 Department of Biomedical Informatics, School of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 2 Center for Informatics in Oral Health Translational Research, School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh 3 Harvard School of Dental Medicine Problem Patient diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes can be used to: Measure health care quality, costs of care, and treatment effectiveness. Identify disparities in patient care. Identify risk factors of disease. Standardized terminologies help consolidate data. Approach We proposed a plan for a conference of stakeholders, “Toward a Diagnosis Driven Profession” (U13 grant submitted August 12, 2015), with three aims: 1.Increase understanding of Diagnostic Terminologies. 2.Explore their potential logistical and financial impacts on electronic health record vendors, payers/insurers, and providers. 3.Create a working group to develop clinician-friendly interfaces for entering diagnostic terms into electronic health record systems. Di a gnostic terms in What is a Terminology? A terminology is “a set of terms representing the system of concepts of a particular subject field” (Shortliffe & Cimino 2006). Using a unique phrasing to refer to a given concept ensures that information can be shared and retrieved effectively. Shortliffe E, Cimino J, editors. Biomedical Informatics 3 rd ed. New York: Springer Science+Business Media; Diagnostic Terminologies Several diagnostic terminologies are in development and use, including: Diagnostic terminologies are intended for integration into electronic records. CC-BY-NC Morgan Interface Terminologies Interface terminologies enable mapping between different terminologies. They are designed to be closer to a user’s natural language. Procedural Terminologies To document dental treatment, CDT® Dental Codes - Current Dental Terminology® is used. CDT® is a standard of the American Dental Association. It is very widely used in the United States, especially for insurance and billing purposes, as a HIPAA standard code set. Issues in Terminologies Granularity Flexibility Interchange/mapping Clarity of terms Procedure codes are shown on the right. CC-BY-NC Rob Campbell Funded by Training grant 5T15LM from the National Library of Medicine/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Diagnosis recorded Treatment recorded Outcomes recorded Effectiveness and quality measured. Improvements for future patients. Continuous learning healthcare relies on unified, up-to-date data about patient diagnoses. Dental health terminologies can describe hierarchies of concepts. Example from SNOWMED-CT, concept: common cold (disorder).CC BY-SA Steschu.