Fingerspelling fingerspelling Maria Frey Griffin maria frey griffin One More Path to the Brain One More path to the brain
What is fingerspelling? What is fingerspelling ? Fingerspelling is the use of hand positions to represent letters of the alphabet C-A-T C A T
Does Fingerspelling enhance early literacy in hearing students? According to Research Fingerspelling… Offers another path to memory Improves attention Provides deeper meaning through active participation of students Cements knowledge Helps hearing students who have difficulty learning through auditory and visual approaches Helps learning words and letters through kinesthetic cues Is a high interest, motivational activity yes
How do teachers use fingerspelling to enhance early literacy? Incorporating fingerspelling into regular daily lessons such as sight word review Focuses their attention on the teacher while keeping them active and participating Students fingerspell answers silently in whole class assessments Benefits all levels of learners Assists in ESL learners to help distinguish letter sounds Benefits students who have difficulty in auditory processing Used as a supplement to instruction Fingerspelling is inexpensive, efficient and easy to implement
AT Cat cat Bat bat Sat sat
Ulysees Ulysees ulysees
Cedrum cedrum
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References references Cooper, B.(2002) The use of sign language to teach reading to Kindergartners: The Reading Teacher; October 2002;56,2. Edmunds, M.& Krupiski, D. (2004) Using sign language and fingerspelling to facilitate early literacy: PBS Teachers retrieved on April 9, 2008 from Good, L.A., Feekes, J. & Shawd, B. (1993) Let your fingers do the talking; hands on language learning through signing: Childhood Education; Winter 1993, 70,2. Vicar, B.(2006) ASL University Online accessed April 27, (Fingerspelling Resources including downloadable font, printable fingerspelling charts and a fingerspelling practice tool available at )