Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University AESOP 2002 International Seminar, Volos, Greece July 10-14, 2002 Cho, Deokho (Professor of Daegu University) Tel : Electronic Government Development Stages on the Web Electronic Government Development Stages on the Web
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Table of Contents I. Introduction II. Theoretical Review on Electronic Government Development Stages 1. The Concept of EG 2. Theoretical Review of EG Development Stages III. EG Development on the Web 1. Government-Centered EG 2. Interactive EG 3. Citizen-Centered EG IV. Integrated EG V. Conclusion
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have already changed the business environments and communication methods throughout the world. World people including the Koreans are changing the way they communicate using ICTs. The predominant medias of this communication way are the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW). Particularly, the development of Web-based technologies provides a revolutionary way of information communication. The government elaborates the information management system for the government officers, builds the delivery system of public services for the citizens, and established the electronic communication system for the business. I. Introduction
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Government departments are able to improve the way of the information provision to the citizen in innovative way. Citizens can get information from the government website anytime anywhere. ICTs contribute to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the executive functions of government operation, to secure the transparency of execution process, and to change fundamentally the relationships between citizens and government, between central and local government ( and business and government. These things are probably implemented on the government website.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Chapter II notes the previous studies on the EG and the role of information technologies. Based upon key ideas which the generation of public information, communication between government and citizens, and provision of public services are implemented through the EG website, this paper notes the role and function of EG websites, reviews the direction of information communication and its development process, and finally suggests the development stages of EGs on the web, which considers the way of IC, the flow of information, and the interaction between citizens and government.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Chapter IV finally integrates three EGs into an Integrated EG Type that is a future EG vision. Chapter III distinguishes three EGs such as 1)the Government-Oriented Type {(Government→Website→Citizen: GWC)} in terms of information flow} which is a beginning stage of EG, 2)2)Interaction Type (Government↔ Website↔Citizen: GWCWG) which is its development stage, and 3)3) Citizen-Oriented Types (Government←Website←Citizen: CWG) which is a mature stage.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University 1. The Concept of EG In a broad sense, we can define the EG as the web-based government that the government information resources are used in the more effective and efficient way for the citizens, business and government itself using the information technologies. It transforms government organizations and activities, and aims to provide better services for the citizen by using information and communication technologies, especially web-based technologies. II. Theoretical Review of Development Stages of EG
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University The most prominent characteristics of EG are that these things are implemented through the Internet and websites. The Web has become the most important way for citizens, business, and governments to improve the communication of information. It guarantees to access information and public services 24 hours without transmission costs, to allow information to be shared and integrated without additional costs. The anytime, anywhere character of the web makes possible the government business and public services to be more accessible to more people at greater convenience and less costs. The web will be a universal interface in information communication between government and citizens, business and government.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University There are no agreements on the EG development stage. Moreover the previous studies usually did not consider the Internet and websites in spite that most of administrative information and public services are transmitted through the Internet and EG websites. Therefore, there are no typologies on the EG development stage even if several scholars suggest the vision on the EG development process. Kauver (1998) categorized the development process of EG as three stages following the process of information generation and flow by the government. 2. Theoretical Review of Development Stages of EG
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) (1999) suggested four stages on the development of EG as follows: Stage 1 means that an agency or government had loaded its own work and service information on the Internet. Stage 2 is that an agency allows Internet users to access the agency database, and to browse, explore, and to interact with that data. Stage 3 notes that the government allows users to enter secure information and to engage in transactions with the government. Stage 4 indicates which the government entails the agency sharing user information with other relevant agencies to provide a whole-of-government integrated service ( Keller (2001) elaborates Four Phases Model of EG using the development processes of e-commerce starting form e-service to transaction.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University III. EG Development Stages on the Web This paper addresses the development processes of electronic government on the web. It especially focuses on the development stages of web-based electronic government (EG), based upon the agencies of information provision, information communication technologies, and levels of administration information communication and citizen participation. The territory of public administration can be distinguished between the real world and virtual one. The latter is the electronic processing sector of administration information in the backside of EG web. The former is the real world, which is the front-side of the EG website, where the citizens get the administration information and require the civil application settlement through the EG web.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Following the level of web-based technologies and citizen participation, this paper will develop three types of EG- Government-Centered EG, Interactive EG, and Citizen- Centered EG. And finally three EGs will be integrated into the Integrated EG that is a final orientation of EG development. This research suggests the development directions of each EG that includes the citizen participation and administrative development processes using information technologies such as the web-based and information communication technologies.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University 1. Government Centered EG -. Establish the EG website -. Provide the administrative, business, and civil application information by the government, the direction of information flow (CWG) -. Large proportion of offline public service and civil application, small proportion of online service (paradigm: Administration) -. Maintain the structure and organization of industrial age government Figure 1 : Government Centered EG Government Citizen EG Web Off-line public service Off-line civil application Back-office in virtual space Front-office in real space On-line public service On-line civil application
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University 2. Interactive EG -. Decrease the offline service and civil application and increase them online base -. Increase the interaction and citizen participation (paradigm: Governance) -. Transforming the structure and organization of industrial age government. -. No distinction between providers and users (CWG, GWC) -. Increase the function and role of Web in EG -. High-speed Internet and Geographic Information System Figure 2 : Interactive EG EG Web GovernmentCitizen Off-line civil application Front-office in real space Back-office in virtual space Off-line public service On-line public service On-line civil application
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University 3. Citizen Centered EG -. Decision-making process which is led by citizen (CWG) -. Increase the request on civil application and citizen participation. -. Text, Audio, 3 dimension information system for citizen -. High speed wireless Internet service. -. Tailored public services for citizens -. Enlargement the function and role of web in EG. Figure 3 : Citizen Centered EG On-line public service EG Web Government Citizen Off-line public service Off-line civil application Front-office in real space Back-office in virtual space On-line civil application
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University Legend: ○ Little Relationship ◑ High Relationship ● Very Relationship Legend: ○ Little Relationship ◑ High Relationship ● Very Relationship Table 1 : The Range and Direction of Information Communication in GWC The characteristics of each EG are summarized like Table 1 Following the development stages of EG, it defines the principal agency of information provision, notes the direction of information flow, and to address the level of information technologies, and the level of citizen participation. It also addresses the level of relationship on each factor. Characteristics EG Types Information Provision by Government Lack of Mutual Communication Mutual Informatio n Provision Enlargeme nt of IC Information Request by Citizen Activation of IC Government-Centered EG ●● Interactive EG ◑◑●● Citizen-Centered EG ○○◑◑●●
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University IV. Integrated EG -. Enlargement the work range and load in the web -. Integration of three different EG depending upon the types of public services (CWG: National Policies, CWGWC: Local Autonomy in local government, CWG: Community Development, NIMBY) -. Decrease the offline service and application and increase them in online bases -. Wireless high speed internet, 3-dimension GIS, and virtual reality on the web. -. Global village (anytime and anywhere service system) Figure 4 : Integrated EG EG Web Government Citizen Off-line public service Off-line civil application Front-office in real space Back-office in virtual space On-line integrated service & application
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University V. Conclusion The level of human ability is decided by the brain and computer use abilities. The human ability which creates the information will be significantly developed through the utilization of the information communication technologies which the information is presented and transferred. EG is the most representative example of these changes. Due to the rapid development of ICTs, EG development stages do not follow exactly and orderly the Government- Centered, Interactive, and Citizen-Centered Government development process. They provide mutual development environments and will be developed into an Integrated EG, interacting the several factors such as communication technologies, citizen participation, and presentation technologies.
Korea Planners AssociationDep. Of Pub Adm. Taegu University 1. Administration Governance. 2. From producer-oriented society to user or consumer- oriented society, from collective public services to tailored public services. 3. Diverse information delivery system and multi- dimension presentation technologies- virtual reality. 4. High speed wireless Internet service, high quality of information service and presentation. 5. Continuously feed-back between government and citizen through web (E-democracy, e-business, e-politics, e-education) in anytime and anywhere, and integrated portal service in one-stop and non-stop bases.