October 28, 2011
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Delays in processing cross match data. Delays in stopping payments to claimants after cross match hit. Claimant Causes Not reporting wages. Employer Causes Delayed or no response to information request from agency 2
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned actions to address: 1. Utilize NDNH Cross-match and State New Hire Cross- match, in addition to other State and Federal Agency cross-matches. Milestone: Create an immediate suspension of benefits and require claimant to provide additional information via paper or electronic means 3
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned actions to address: 2. Enhancement of Electronic Mass Layoff filing Milestone: Programming completion in order to put in return to work date so suspension will happen at appropriate time. 3. Revise claimant weekly claim certification questions in IVR system to clarify questions related to earnings and reporting requirements by claimants. Milestone: Draft new questions and test. Program and implement into system. 4
Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned actions to address: 4. Legislation – Review and propose to discourage fraud Milestone: Legislation – passing of April
Separations (SEPs): Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Lack of details surrounding separation cases Consistency in determining separation cases Claimant Causes Misreporting of separation causes Employer Causes Delayed or no response to information request from agency 6
Separations: Planned action(s) to address: 1. Dynamic Fact Finding – to determine more accurate details surrounding the separation and claimant’s ability and availability. Milestone: Development and implementation into our claims taking process. 7
Separations: Planned action(s) to address: 2. Training for Appeals and Adjudication Milestone: Completion of training and subsequent internal training models 3. Implementation of SIDES Milestone: Build system, test system, training, implementation 8
Reversals: Root Causes Identified: Agency Causes Delays in processing appeals Need of training to provide consistent determinations where possible 9
Reversals: Planned action(s) to address: 1. Process improvement in developing appeal files. Milestone: Training. Forms – Build. Finalize process changes 2. Cross-training of all levels of Adjudication, Appeals and Board of Review Milestone: Identify, develop and conduct training 10
Reversals: Planned action(s) to address: 3. Increase communication between levels of the appeals process. Milestone: Set and establish monthly meetings. 4. Consistent application of the law. Develop system to ensure uniform application of current law, including thorough and ongoing review of operating manual and training materials. Milestone: Complete current review, draft new language proposed during legislative session. 11
12 State specific issues Root cause(s) identified: Agency Causes: Delays in processing employer notices Claimant Causes: Able and Available issues Planned action(s) to address issue 1. Processing timely 44/45’s (Employer Notice) Milestone: Pull processes and examine 2. Develop cross-match of LADT Reports Milestone: Identification of claims in multiple states Claimant failure to participate in state RES/REA programs
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: 1. Employer Messaging: KDOL website rewrite to include employer educational information related to UI benefits. Mass Layoff. All State Agency communication/action. Community communication/action. Fraud awareness. Milestone: Development of Web materials and communications. 2. Claimant Messaging: Fraud awareness; Clarity of questions; Unreported wages Milestone: Development of Web material, communications, update Web information 13
Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity: 3. Internal Communications/Staff training Milestone: Development of web material, communications, training development, and implementation 14
“Integrity: Own It!” Questions? State Contact for follow-up: Inayat Noormohmad: Phone: (785)