Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine Blacksburg, VA Chi Chapter Sigma Sigma Phi - An Honorary Osteopathic Service Fraternity New Orleans, Louisiana – AOA Conference – October 2008
The Chi Chapter Started in Spring 2007 Currently 121 members – 64 members from Class 2010 – 57 members from Class 2011 Just recently implemented a new application process for membership
Membership Our membership selection has changed this current year. Chi Chapter now accepts applications for membership. Our criteria for invitation are currently: – Must have a 3.75 GPA or higher at VCOM at end of first year or second year – Must have no current or pending academic deficiencies – Must be considered in good standing with VCOM (e.g., no current or pending behavioral infractions, no academic probation, etc.) – Must be willing to provide advice or counsel to other medical students or potential medical students on the values and benefits of being an osteopathic physician An application form is sent to all individuals who meet the above criteria. The application is scored out of 40 points total. The application is scored anonymously, with the AOA number as an identifier. The cutoff for acceptance into SSP is 25 points (this number is subject to change if more than 25% of the class qualifies). The applications are scored by the current executive board members, who then recommend induction of new members to the current members. The application consists of seven questions covering: club involvement, leadership, community service, academic service, commitment to Osteopathic Medicine, a clear service statement, and indication to become a member of SSP.
Membership - Scoring Please list all clubs in which you are involved. If you held/hold a leadership position please note this. – 1 point for each club, an additional point if held a leadership position – Maximum of 10 points Please list any community service experiences you have had over the past year (indicate hours). This can be VCOM related or community service projects outside of VCOM. – 1 point for every 5 hrs of service – Maximum of 10 points Have you participated in any activities that have academically benefited your fellow VCOM classmates? If so, please describe your involvement. Have you participated in any events that promote Osteopathic Medicine or VCOM to the community or students/general public beyond the community? – Combined with previous question about academic service to VCOM. – 1 point for each activity – Maximum of 10 points Please describe a service project (either to the VCOM community or beyond the VCOM community) that you are passionate about and would be willing to lead as an SSP member. What type of community service do you see yourself participating in as an osteopathic physician? – Maximum of 5 points, with a ranking of 5 indicating a strong point-of-view on a project they’d like to pursue and commitment to community service Why do you want to be a member of Sigma Sigma Phi- Chi Chapter? – Maximum of 5 points, with a ranking of 5 indicating a strong dedication to Sigma Sigma Phi
Major SSP Projects This Year Board Question of the Day – To expose ourselves and our classmates to board questions on an everyday basis, we post board-type questions and answers on the large TV screens outside of the classroom. – VCOM purchased a subscription from Exam Master. Every student was given access to these questions. In addition, a daily “Board Question of the Day” was posted. – This year, as a requirement for membership in the organization, each member must write 2 board style questions with answers. These will be posted up on the big TV screens daily. Current 4 th years have to write 1 original COMLEX 2 PE “tip” and 1 original COMLEX 2 board question Current 3 rd years have to write 2 original COMLEX 1 board questions Current 2 nd years have to submit 2 original COMLEX 1 board questions by the end of the year
Major SSP Projects This Year VCOM’s “Golden Apple” Award for Excellence in Teaching Practices – The purpose of the “VCOM Golden Apple” is to recognize those faculty members who are dedicated to educating, mentoring, and inspiring the students of VCOM. The award is entirely based on students’ nominations and elections. Students are asked to consider the faculty member’s teaching skills/style, enthusiasm for teaching, professionalism, and approachability and availability for questions when making nominations and during the final voting process. – One biomedical and one clinical faculty member were selected as winners. Both professors were presented with a plaque as well as a restaurant gift certificate. – A larger plaque containing the names of this year’s winners, as well as space for future “VCOM Golden Apple” winners has been placed in the school display case.
And the winners were… Dr. Jim Mahaney, Ph.D Biomedical Faculty Dr. Jim Powers, D.O. Clinical Faculty VCOM
Academic Related Service Class Resource Committee Tutoring VCOM Ambassadors White-Coat Ceremony Graduation Attendants Research Day Morale Booster Events
Community Service Warm Hearth Village (Nursing Home) Adopt-A-Town Jonesville, VA Health Fair Mont. County School Health Fairs
Community Service Friday Night Friends Anatomy Outreach OMM Outreach
International Missions and Relief Work Mission trips to Honduras, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic Relief work during natural disasters
Future Plans and Ideas Board Question of the Day – make it bigger and better with a q-bank “Speed Date A Doctor” Monthly Lectures Community Service Specific To SSP
Any Questions?