In-country preparation and application of the Gender Assessment Tool – Supporting the Gender Assessment before, during and after the process Kibibi M. Thomas Mbwavi, Consultant HIV/TB Gender Assessment Workshop: Building capacity for TB activists to advance gender equality through Global Fund and National Programmes Nairobi, January 13 – 15, 2015 HIV/TB Gender Assessment Workshop: Building capacity for TB activists to advance gender equality through Global Fund and National Programmes Nairobi, January 13 – 15, 2015
Before the Gender Assessment Mobilization of financial support to carry out the assessment (e.g. from National HIV and TB programmes, CCM, GFATM Secretariat, Stop TB, UNAIDS, UN Women, UNDP and others) Example of Senegal Mobilization of political support to carry out the assessment (e.g. from the President’s Office or Ministry of Health or relevant Ministry) Example of Gabon Desk review preparation. Access documents/secure quality data to support the desk review to be carried out by Consultants Example of Haiti In the absence of relevant data, lobby for research in order to create evidence for HIV/TB gender interventions [medium term action] Example of Senegal Mobilization of persons living with/affected by HIV and TB, as well as key affected populations to participate as consultative team members and/or as Workshop participants Example of Cameroon
During the Gender Assessment Support/maintain links with the National Disease Programme(s) leadership and staff through regular visits and correspondence to get their directives and feedback on the process, access to documents and to create ownership Example of Burkina Faso Support/maintain links with UNAIDS and Stop TB Partnership by way of staff representatives involved in the process at national and regional levels who may help to overcome political or technical challenges Example of Cameroon Support/ maintain links with the CCM to keep them updated and to ensure their support for the process and eventual findings Example of Haiti As consultative team members, attend update meetings to provide Consultants with feedback and guidance and, if necessary, more data Example of Senegal As consultative team members, assist the Rapporteur to document feedback of the various stakeholders during the 3-day workshop Example of Burundi
After the Gender Assessment Lobby for/ support/ verify inclusion of the Gender Assessment recommended interventions in National Strategic Plans and Global Fund Concept Notes and their budgets Example of Gabon Use the Gender Assessment report (or Summary Table of Interventions) to mobilize additional financial resources from International NGO partners in-country for the implementation of the recommended HIV/TB interventions that were not included in the Global Fund Concept Note Example of Senegal Help to diffuse the Gender Assessment report (or Summary Table of Interventions) to partners and stakeholders active in HIV/TB programmes to create awareness and to rally greater support for the implementation of the recommended HIV/TB interventions Example of Nigeria