Tahiya Marome October 8, 2009 For audio call Toll Free and use PIN/code Engaging Millennial Students with Fun Tech: Games
Maximize your CCC Confer window. Mute your phone (*6) if you have visitors or noise in your office. Please note phone audio may be in presenter-only mode. Ask questions over the phone when the presenter prompts. Ask questions throughout presentation via the chat window. Housekeeping
Adjusting your computer audio 1)To listen on your computer, adjust your speaker volume 2)If youre using a phone, click on phone headset. 3)To speak youll need a microphone or USB headset. a) First, run the audio wizard Tools/Audio/Audio Setup Wizard. b) Second, press on the mic icon when its available (release when finished speaking)
Saving Files & Open/close Captions 1.Save chat window with floppy disc icon 2.Open/close captioning window with CC icon
Emoticons and Polling 1.Raise hand and Emoticons 2.Polling options
Games for Learning Engaging Students
What is Fluency? CC flickr Stevendamron
knowing Forwardbackwardinsideoutupsidedownlefttoright uptodowneverywhichwayinanycontext
% Correct
fluency builds for the foundation
fluency builds for c o m p l e x i t yc o m p l e x i t y the foundation
Ready Set Play Learn Play Learn
Dopamine Ready Set Play Learn Play Learn
Dopamine Norepinephrine Ready Set Play Learn Play Learn
New stimulus followed by reward Dopamine & Norepinephrine released Dopamine recedes when rewards become predictable, releasing only at the very first sign of the stimuli known to lead to the reward. Norepinephrine fires when rewards are novel, or when rewards suddenly disappear When the mental model has incorporated new learning, Dopamine goes down. If rewards disappear, Norepinephrine returns to higher levels and reactivates reward-seeking behavior, the learned behavior. The chemistry of engagement
New game has cool stuff Cant miss anything that could help me win Oh yeah, I remember this. When I open the box I get the secret password. Oh wow! A whole new level. I bet I can get this. This part is easy. I get the high score every time. Hey its not supposed to do that! When you get the trophy youre supposed to win the level. Is this thing broken? The chemistry of engagement
Mini Trial Download the PowerPoint file Bloomingame.ppt Open it in PowerPoint and start the slide show. Follow the directions
Fluency build their Confidence build their Expertise build a wiser world
Tahiya Marome Q&A
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