Priyasha Patel, PharmD Candidate , Alison Britt, PharmD Candidate , Chih Chuang, MD 2, Helen Berlie, PharmD, CDE 1 1 Eugene Applebaum College Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Detroit MI 2 Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit MI
Development of an Interprofessional organization: Integration of Pharmacy Collaborative Efforts o Pre-trip Preparation In-country Clinical Services Impact on Student Learning Future Endeavors
2001 Development of WHSO at WSU School of Medicine Goal : Provide free medical care and engage in community outreach projects 2011 Inclusion of 5 second year pharmacy students to Nicaragua 2012 Establishment of sister WHSO at EACPHS First inter-professional student organization between pharmacy and medicine at WSU
Role of medication representatives on both Eboards o Organize and package medications o Strategic budgeting o Creation of prescription labels Development of a medication formulary: o Common disease states encountered o Conducting needs assessment for each country in order to target individual patient populations o Cost effectiveness o Safety o Efficiency (pre-trip & in-country) o Medical student education
Joint faculty efforts o Presentations SOM clinical skills night EACPHS pharmacy presentation o Meetings Board of Advisors Trip fundraising Joint research o World Health Student Organization Australian Conference Presentation “Interdisciplinary Medical Relief” o ACCP and ASHP
Pharmacy o Pharmacy set up and organization o Prescription filling/dispensing o Therapeutic recommendations and interchanges o Dosing o Medication administration o Medication counseling Inter-professional o Medical student participation in pharmacy o Pharmacy student triage and patient interviews
Haiti 643 patients, 2193 medications Pharmacy: 5 students Medicine: 17 students, 2 physicians Nicaragua 291 patients, 519 medications Pharmacy: 4 students, 1 pharmacist Medicine: 20 medical students, 2 physicians
Medical student perception (n=27) QuestionStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree Do you believe interprofessional care in needed to maximize patient care? 0% 18.5%81.5% Did the trip enhance your understanding of the role of a pharmacist? 0% 7.4%37.0%55.6% Do you feel that the pharmacy team impacted the overall flow of the clinic in a positive manner? 0% 14.8%85.2% How important do you think it is to have pharmacy presence on future trips? 0% 18.5%81.5% Reference
Pharmacy student perception (n=8) QuestionStrongly Disagree DisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly Agree Do you believe interprofessional care in needed to maximize patient care? 0% 12.5%87.5% Do you see yourself working as a member of an interprofessional team in the future? 0% 25%75% Reference
Unique to curriculum and the only interprofessional student organization between SOM and EACPHS o Accreditation standards pushing for this? Personal experience
Improved educational outcomes o Clinical knowledge/skills o Research experience: posters, grants, papers Enhanced patient care and outcomes o New and improved labels Enhancing efficiency of trips o Continual improvement on formulary efficiency, safety and cost
“ We were able to help so many patients in Haiti …. but the most lasting memories I have were the smiles we were able to bring to the faces of the children….Although the Haitians were very grateful for our presence, I feel as though I should have been the one thanking them for such an amazing experience and opportunity.” - Sabrina Grandi, P3, Haiti 2012 “ We were able to help so many patients in Haiti …. but the most lasting memories I have were the smiles we were able to bring to the faces of the children….Although the Haitians were very grateful for our presence, I feel as though I should have been the one thanking them for such an amazing experience and opportunity.” - Sabrina Grandi, P3, Haiti 2012 “ This was my third trip to Nicaragua with WHSO since 2009 and my first trip with pharmacy….the addition of a pharmacy team really made a tremendous difference in the success of this mission…the pharmacy team provided organization, counseling, and therapeutic recommendations, making dispensing medications a smooth and safe operation. - Salik Jahania, MD FACS, Nicaragua 2011 “ This was my third trip to Nicaragua with WHSO since 2009 and my first trip with pharmacy….the addition of a pharmacy team really made a tremendous difference in the success of this mission…the pharmacy team provided organization, counseling, and therapeutic recommendations, making dispensing medications a smooth and safe operation. - Salik Jahania, MD FACS, Nicaragua 2011