Sustainable Adaptive Gradients in the Coastal Environment 2015 Welcome to Jamaica Dale Webber
Participating Islands 2 Professor Dale Webber UWI
Third-largest island of the Greater Antilles.Greater Antilles 10,990 square kilometres (4,240 sq mi) in area, lies about 145 kilometres south of Cuba, and 191 kilometres (119 mi) west of Haiti.Cuba Jamaica is the fifth-largest island
More than a Beach
Old and new building
Famous Sons & Daughters
JAMAICA…the Island
Marine territory is now approximately 161,000 Km 2 i.e. 24 times the land area of mainland Jamaica = Archipelagic state JAMAICA…an Island?
Diverse Jamaican community types 1.Wet Limestone Forest 2.Dry Limestone Forest 3.Thorn Scrub 4.Cactus Thorn Scrub 5.Strand Woodland 6.Lower Montane Rain Forest 7.Montane Mist Forest 8.Elfin Woodland 9.Montane Sclerophyll 10.Herbaceous Swamp 11.Mangrove Woodland 12.Marsh Forest
Jamaica’s Biodiversity at a glance. Over 8,000 species recorded Ranked 5 th among worlds islands in endemic species GroupNo. of SpeciesEndemics Plants (Flowering /ferns/lichens) >600028% Butterflies>12015? Frogs1917 Breeding birds Migrant birds Mammals22 (21 bats)4?
Port Royal and environs
Port Royal and environs over 1000 species recorded TaxonNumber of Species Macroalgae98+ Porifera54+ Cnidaria156+ Ctenophora4 Platyhelminthes3+ Annelida26+ Crustacea158+ Mollusca295 Bryozoa18+ Chaetognatha3 Echinodermata81 Hemichordata2 Chordata Goodbody, 2004
Integrated threat from local activities: today Low MediumHigh Very High
Integrated local and global threat: 2030 Low MediumHigh Critical Very High
Integrated local and global threat: 2050 Low MediumHigh Critical Very High
Social and economic vulnerability to reef degradation
Socioeconomic impacts: Increased loss of property and coastal habitats Increased flood risk and potential loss of life Damage to coastal protection works and other infrastructure Increased disease risk Loss of renewable and subsistence resources Loss of tourism, recreation, and transportation functions Impacts on agriculture and aquaculture through decline in soil and water quality.
Change in water level at shore due to reef degradation
25-year storm scenario Property Affected: Current reef – 39 buildings Degraded Reef – 154 buildings, including 2 hotels, church, airfield
Environmental Treaties & Convention
Jamaica Jamaica is a key partner to over 40 International and Regional Multilateral Environmental Agreements. 19 are directly related to Climate Change.
NRCA Act 1991 Beach Control Act 1956 Morant & Pedro Cays Act 1904 Wild Life Protection Act 1945 Mining Act 1947 Tourist Board Act 1955 Town and Country Planning Act 1958 Urban Development Corporation Act 1968 Port Authority Act 1972 Fishing Industry Act 1975 Harbours Act 1976 Quarries Control Act 1983 Litter Act 1986 Watersheds Protection Act 1963 Jamaican Legislation 23 important Acts/Laws
Jamaican Legislation Jamaica Maritime Institute Act 1992 Water Resources Act 1995 Pesticide Amendment Act 1996 EEZ Act 1991 Maritime Areas Act 1996 Forest Act 1996 Shipping Act 1998 ODPEM Act 1998 Endangered Species Act 2000
Klotzbach and grAy 2012 Professor Dale Webber UWI25
27 Professor Dale Webber UWI
28Professor Dale Webber UWI
Road construction?
30Professor Dale Webber UWI
Kingston Harbour Physical structure
Portmore develpment
10 year storm surge
25 year storm surge
50 year storm surge
100 year storm surge
SAGE 2015 field visits Kingston Harbour Portmore City development