Deconstructing Cataloging A Web Services Approach to Bibliographic Control Thomas Hickey
T. Hickey Access What is Deconstruction? Allowing access to what are now monolithic systems Do it using standard protocols
T. Hickey Access Why? Metadata being created in many places Even within libraries –Digitization projects seldom involve cataloguers –MARC21 isnt used
T. Hickey Access Why Not? How things work now –Tech processing departments –Books, serials Limitations –MARC21 –Cataloguers –Integrated library systems
T. Hickey Access How could we do it differently? Deconstruct integrated systems Expose the pieces with Web services Move metadata with standard protocols Goal: use Web services to build new, flexible systems create metadata anywhere
T. Hickey Access What are Web Services? Machine-to-machine communication Run over standard Web protocols –XML syntax, HTTP packaging Several approaches –REST Representational State Transfer –SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
T. Hickey Access REST REST is simplest –Send an HTTP request –Get back a response (XML, HTML) –Examples Web browser OpenURL Z39.50 as a Web service: SRU cgi-zoek/
T. Hickey Access REST: OAI-PMH Now in version 2.0 Allows synchronization of databases Other services can be layered –ODL: Open Digital Libraries –XTCat name authority service
T. Hickey Access SOAP is more complex Simple Object Access Protocol Z39.50 as a SOAP service: SRW – /wsdl/zing_srw_binding.wsdlhttp:// /wsdl/zing_srw_binding.wsdl
T. Hickey Access What Could be Deconstructed? Classification services Name authority services Catalogue subsets Search (via SRU/SRW) Holdings Duplicate resolution/FRBR Rights management
T. Hickey Access An Example: ePrints UK Records harvested from archives Web services to enhance metadata
T. Hickey Access Institutional e-print archives Non-institutional e-print archives Personal e-print archives Subject Classification Service Name Authority Service Citation Analysis Service RDN Gateway/portal Service RDN Gateway/portal Service RDN Gateway/portal Service OAI-PMH SOAP HTTP Z39.50 e-Prints UK
T. Hickey Access Web Services for ePrints UK Personal name authorities Subject classification Citation analysis
T. Hickey Access Subject Classification Service Receives metadata, full text Sends back –List of DDC numbers, captions –Subject headings
T. Hickey Access Classification Service Document Text Metadata PDF Document e-Prints UK Classification Service Classification Metadata
T. Hickey Access Name Authority Service Receives metadata record, full text For each name, sends back –Authorized form –URI representing persona If in interactive mode: –List of possibilities
T. Hickey Access Example: XTCat Experimental Theses Catalog Union catalog of thesis and dissertation metadata
T. Hickey Access Example: XTCat Records extracted from WorldCat Available via OAI-PMH –Separate set for electronic theses We harvest from other repositories Integrate with existing records Allow re-harvesting (e.g. by VTLS)
T. Hickey Access FRBR Services Send in list of metadata records –Get back FRBRized list –Get back Uri's to works
T. Hickey Access Other Considerations More complicated flows Services in records Getting Google in the picture
T. Hickey Access Two-Way flows Union catalog could harvest –Integration done for union catalog Local systems could harvest –Use enhanced record All movement with OAI-PMH
T. Hickey Access Embedding Services in Records Name authority Library –Providers –Requests Records stand on their own Allow branding
T. Hickey Access Allowing General Web Harvesting HTML Tree Services lead back to libraries
T. Hickey Access Questions?