Partner: Number of LAG’s: 18 Italian Regions Number 3 (Calabria-Puglia-Molise) Greek Regions Number 7(Kozani-Corfù-Veroia-Creta-Macedonia Centrale-Florina-Ionian Island) Cypriot Departements Number 1 (Larnaca) Portuguese Region number 1 (Beja) Involved States Number 4 (Portugal – Italy – Greece – Cyprus)
Involved Territory Square Kilometers 12,703 Population 1,018,920 Inhabitants
Duration: Project guaranteed assistance to the network for whole duration of Inter-Territorial and Transnational- Cooperation. Its conclusion is been scheduled for December 31 st Closing project activities and Assistance to the Network is extending within December 31 st 2015.
PROJECT INVOLVED LAG’s LAG: Co.G.A.L. Monte Poro Serre Vibonesi LAG:Sila Greca Basso Jonio Cosentino LAG: Valle Crati LAG: Federico II Alto Jonio Cosentino LAG: Savuto LAG: Terra dei Trulli e del Barsento LAG: Innovaplus LAG: Larnaca District Development Agency LAG: Adraces
PROJECT INVOLVED LAG’s LAG: Development Agency of Ionian island S.A LAG: Imathia Development Agency S.A. LAG: Development Agency of Lassithi LAG: Heraklion Development Agency LAG: Organization for the Development of Western LAG: Development Agency of Kilkis S.A. LAG: Regional Development Agency of Florina LAG: West Macedonia Development company (Anco) S.A. LAG: Zakynthos Local Government Development Agency S.A.
MAIN GOAL The main objective is to develop mutual interest activities of the involved Cooperation territories in order to create synergies and integrated interventions in the field of food culture.
Actionable Objectives 1. Maintaining and promoting Local culture, history and gastronomy; 2. Supporting local identity through gastronomy and its cultural references; 3. Enhancing local products and gastronomy through events in support of tourism; 4. Improving services quality according to request and trends of Tourist demand; 5. Involving local population to support the historical value of the cultural tastes and their own identity; 6. Leveraging experience of completed projects with the aim of creating a permanent and coordinated network.
Main Activities Analysis for creation of “taste and Culture itineraries"; Guides and Publications on food routes (wine, typical products etc.) culture and traditions; Project information to the institutions and population on the value of Culture, Gastronomy and Traditions which support LOCAL DEVELOPMENT; Health - Foodstuff education and sustainable consumption addressed to families and students in relation to the product processes highlighting health features; European Conference on “Food culture” (seminars, workshops, disclosure); Activating Routes Gastronomy Web site(wine, local products etc.); Organizing Promotional Events on Food and Wine culture and traditions; Organization of visits of newspapers and magazines on gastronomy and local traditions; Coordination and partnership meeting.
Results and added value made to the territories involved Implementing capacity of local entrepreneurs of the territories concerned to the cooperation through the creation of services and synergies to improve competitiveness in order to increase income; Added value for territories concerned through promotion and enhancement of local products and their use for traditional menus connecting their commercialization circuits on a national and international level; Growth of handcraft for packaging of local products and traditional activities (wood, wicker, terracotta, folk art, etc.); Supporting Income and new jobs creation; Maintaining Culture and Gastronomy traditions to create business opportunities especially among young generation.
Results and added value made to the territories involved greater propensity of the area (public and private) to the cooperation; testing innovative activities (activity 4); experimentation/enhancement in common work methodology (among LAG’s); consolidation of the Cooperation Network (among territories).
ACHIEVED OUTCOME a) Study for "itineraries of taste and Culture” Creation : number 18 th ; b) Routes Food Publications and Guides (wine, typical products etc.), Culture and Traditions: number 12 th ; c) Project information to the institutions and population on the value of gastronomy, culture and traditions which support Local Development: 91th (published on MEDEAT); d) Activities on Food Education and Sustainable Consumption addressed to students and families in relation to the product processes highlighting health features: the number 18 th ? e) European Conference on “Food Culture” (Seminars, Workshops, Dissemination): number 1 st ; f) Organization of Promotional Event Organization on food & wine culture and traditions: number 2 nd -3 rd Moscow and Greece; g) Coordination: Partnership Meetings Number 7 th ; Meeting No. 8 th Transnational Coordination; Coordination Meeting ;Italian LAG’s Number 6 th ; Meeting Coordination LAGs Greeks Number 10 th.
Incurred Expense Incurred Expense 768,000, % Remaining quota already undertook must be reported cost to December 31, 2015
The results shown are partial, as well as the expenses incurred. The final results will be available in late December Thank for your Attention Medeat Web Site :