BASIC WEBSITE CITATION FORMAT Last Name, First Name. “Title of Webpage.” Title of Website. Sponsor of website, Date of publication. Web. Date you accessed the site.. “Welcome to the World Factbook.” The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency, n.d. Web. 01 Oct Note that we skip what we don’t have – Author No date = n.d. No publisher = n.p.
BASIC JOURNAL CITATION FORMAT Journal – Hard Copy Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Journal Title Date: Page numbers. Print. Kristof, Nicholas D. "The End of Extreme Poverty." Upfront 9 Dec. 2013: Print. Journal – Electronic Copy (but could be found in a hard copy) Last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Journal Title: Page numbers. Title of Website. Sponsor of Website. Date published. Web. Date Accessed.. Kristof, Nicholas D. "The End of Extreme Poverty." Upfront: Upfront. The New York Times. 9 Dec Web. 8 Jan
BASIC DATABASE JOURNAL CITATION Last name, First name. “Title of article.” Journal Title (date): page numbers. Database Title. Web. Date accessed.. Alter, Charlotte. "Alabama Pardons 'Scottsboro Boys' More Than 80 Years Later." Time (2013): n. pag. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 8 Jan EbscoHost (Badgerlink) has a “permalink” that will give you a shorter URL and get you back to the article later. If you use the URL in the address bar it will be extremely long and won’t get you back to the article (because it is tied to your search).
EASYBIB Open a new tab and go to Copy and paste the CIA World Factbook URL into the Auto Cite function Will that citation match the one you did manually?