The internet is the hardware that creates the massive worldwide network. Computers, cables, telephone wires, high-speed communication lines. The internet is a inter-connected collection of many smaller networks. The Web is the software that sends information along the internet’s hardware. The web stores files: Text, sound, graphics, video, etc.
The U.S. Government through the U.S. Department of Defense in the 1960s developed a network of computers with various universities and defense contractors. The research project was named ARPANET(Advanced Research Projects Agency)
In 1990, a scientist named Tim Berners- Lee created the first GUI (graphical-user interface) browser, which we know as the World Wide Web. This GUI Browser allowed users to view web page content. By 1993, this technology became available for free. In1994, the World Wide Web Consortium or W3C was founded.
The most basic component of the web is a simple web page. Web browser software interprets tags to display the web pages on a computer screen. URL – Uniform Resource Locator – This is the technical name for a web address:
Protocol Denied: A set of rules and procedures that specify how data are formatted and transmitted between computer systems. ICP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol; standard for transmitting data over networks. http: Hypertext Transfer Protocol; HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.Web serversbrowsers FIP: File Transfer Protocol; the protocol for exchanging files over the InternetprotocolfilesInternet
In1993, the first graphical web browser was released; it was called mosaic. Mosaic was developed by Joseph Hardin and Dave Thompson at the (National Center for Supercomputer Applications), a research institute at the University of Illinois.
A web saver or a host is a computer that stores and delivers web pages and other files. A computer that has web server software and is connected to the internet can act as a web server. Publishing a website is the copying web pages and other files to a web server. Once the page is published, anyone can access it with an internet connection.
Internet – public – anyone can use it. Intarnet – private network - Members or Employees within an organization Extranet – network private – Business partners and customers (outside of a company)
4 basic tags in every HTML Page
plan your website – What are your goals with the website? What do you want to accomplish with the site? Who is your target audience? Analyze – Determine what tasks you want your users to perform. What content do you want in our site?
Design and development of your website - After you decide what the content will be, you should organize the material: Text, images, videos, sounds, etc.
1) Linear -- Web pages in a straight line 2) Hierarchical -- Web pages in a tree-like structure 3) Webbed -- No set organization 4) Broad – Home page is the main/index page and all pages are linked to the home page.
5) Deep - This kind of website has many levels of pages, requiring lots of clicking.
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