Ezekiel’s Temple Ezekiel 40-48
Most Holy Place 41:4 Inner room of the temple 41:3 Entrance of the temple 42:2 Imposing altar 43:13-17 Chamber for Zadokite priests 40:46 Chamber for priests who have charge of the temple 40:45 The outer court 40:17-19 The temple kitchens 46:21-24 The 30 outer chambers 40:17 The Prince’s gate 46:2 Main east gate 43:1-9; 44:2 River flows from south of D out through K 47:1-12
Activity at the Temple A New Priesthood Land is given to the priests 44:10-31 Land is given to the priests 45:1-8 Sacrifices are reinstated 46:1-15
A New City Land is divided amongst tribes 47:13-20 Foreigners can now become native-born Jews 47:21-23 Name of the city is “The Lord is There” 48:35
Overview From Our Perspective Ezekiel highlights: The establishment of God’s home God’s glory returning to His home The people of God worshipping Him properly No enemies, no sins, no wrongdoings
What is this Temple? It is the new Jerusalem of Revelation It is the new Heaven and new Earth 1 Peter 3:13 It is the final Sabbath Hebrews 4:9