PRESENTATION STRUCTURE Background Strategic Overview Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 Performance and expenditure trends Conclusion 2
BACKGROUND The Annual Performance Plan 2014/15 was developed taking into consideration both the internal and external environment within which the department operates: Five priorities of government (education, health, creating decent employment, fighting crime and corruption, and rural development and land reform). National Development Plan Vision 2030 priorities (uniting South African around a common programme; citizens active in their own development; faster and more inclusive economic growth; quality health care for all; social protection; a capable and developmental state; and leadership and responsibility throughout society). Draft MTSF State of the Nation Address. 3
OVERVIEW VISION An empowered society that recognizes and upholds the rights of women, children and people with disabilities. MISSION To mainstream the rights and empowerment of women, children and people with disabilities through advocacy, institutional support and capacity development, monitoring, evaluation and reporting. 4
OVERVIEW OF THE DEPARTMENT VALUES Commitment To serve and promote the well-being of all women, children and people with disabilities. Collectivism To promote a culture of social cohesion and advocate collective effort in all our activities. Equity To exercise fair discrimination or impartiality at all times. Accountability To account for all our actions in delivering on our mandate. 5
STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTATED GOALS 6 The department has four strategic goals that it seeks to achieve: Strategic Outcomes. Orientated Goal 1 Realization of the rights of women, children and people with disabilities improved Goal Statement The rights of women, children and persons with disabilities fully integrated in legislation and national policies. Progress on trends in the status of women, children and persons with disabilities monitored and reported on periodically as per national, regional, continental and international requirements, through the progressive development and maintenance of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework. Continental and international commitments integrated into national planning and service delivery initiatives through coordination of strategic and catalytic cross-cutting projects. Strategic Outcomes. Orientated Goal 2 Empowerment of women, children and persons with disabilities, facilitated for equitable access to public and private sector programmes and services. Goal statement All women, children and persons with disabilities reach their full potential and have equal and universal access to social, training, economic and political opportunities by removing attitudinal, physical and communication barriers preventing full participation and beneficiation. Strategic Outcomes. Orientated Goal 3 An effective and efficient governance processes of the department Goal statement Internal processes and procedures, towards achieving a clean audit. Strategic Outcomes. Orientated Goal 4 Reported Incidents of Gender-Based violence reduced. Goal statement Violence against women and children is prevented, reported and reduced.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 7 Facilitate and coordinate the eradication of gender based violence. Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate. Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Advocate for the realisation of children’s rights and responsibilities Improve universal access and meaningful participation of women, children and persons with disabilities in all aspects of life.
PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of this programme is to provide strategic management and administrative support to the department. The programme objective is to ensure that the department has effective strategic leadership, administration and management in order to ensure that it complies with all relevant legislative prescripts. SUB-PROGRAMMES Ministry The Office of the Director-General Corporate Management Strategic objectives for Programme 1: Facilitate and coordinate the eradication of gender based violence Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate 8
ADMINISTRATION: MEDIUM TARGETS 2014/ / Strategic Objectives: Facilitate and coordinate the eradication of gender based violence Key Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Coordinate implementation of Prevention Campaign against gender-based violence, through awareness material, and capacity building Implementation of Prevention Campaign to eliminate GBV (Phase 1) Implementation of Prevention Campaign to eliminate GBV (Phase 2) Implementation of Prevention Campaign to eliminate GBV (Phase3) National Strategic Plan on GBV 2014/2019 developed NSP (GBV) approved by the NCGBV Facilitate implementation of NSP (GBV) and National POA (Plan of Action) Co-ordinate, evaluate and monitor implementation of NSP (GBV)
ADMINISTRATION: MEDIUM TARGETS 2014/ / Strategic Objectives: Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate Key Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Number of quarterly Internal Audit reports issued on the 3 year rolling plan (risk based and performance audits). 444 Number of follow-up audit reports issued and tabled to Audit Committee 444 Percentage of all service providers paid within 30 days 100% % of deviation on expenditure against allocated funding 5% Percentages of reduction of vacancy rate 10%
ADMINISTRATION: MEDIUM TARGETS 2014/ / Strategic Objectives: Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate Key Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Percentage of women employed in Senior Management positions in the department 50% Percentage of persons with disabilities employed in the department 2% Percentage of compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Standards 100% compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Standards 100% with the Occupational Health and Safety Standards Percentage uptime of main ICT systems 95%
ADMINISTRATION: MEDIUM TARGETS 2014/ / Strategic Objectives: Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate Key Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Coordination and facilitation for an inclusive participation of all the sectors at local, national, regional, multilateral and bilateral levels as well as on treaty obligations Approved Communication Strategy Develop and Implement approved Communication Strategy Review and Implement approved Communication Strategy Implementation and Impact Assessment of Communication Strategy
ADMINISTRATION: MEDIUM TARGETS 2014/ / Strategic Objectives: Strengthen good governance for the department to deliver on its mandate Key Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Research agenda finalised and implemented 3 reports developed that are aligned to the research agenda Number of policy gaps analysis reports produced 333 Percentage of Presidential Hotline service delivery complaints resolved 60%65%70% Anti-Corruption Initiatives championed (4) Anti-Corruption Campaigns championed (4) Anti-Corruption Campaigns championed
PROGRAMME 2:WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND GENDER EQUALITY (WEGE) The purpose of the Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of National and International commitments into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of women’s rights and the progressive realisation of equality SUB-PROGRAMMES: Advocacy and Mainstreaming Institutional Support and Capacity Development Monitoring and Evaluation Strategic Objective for Programme 2: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment and gender equality. Facilitate and coordinate the elimination of gender based violence 14
WEGE: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 15 Strategic Objective: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Advocacy and mainstreaming (WEGE) Number of programmes on gender parity (50/50) coordinated 1 (Programme on mainstreaming 50/50 principle into designated bodies) 2 (Programme on mainstreaming 50/50 principle into designated bodies) 3 (Programme on mainstreaming 50/50 principle into designated bodies) Number of women reached through advocacy interventions to empower women and eliminate discrimination women (Implementation of interventions/measures to promote women’s rights and empowerment and gender equality (WEGE Bill/Act)) women (Implementation of interventions/measures to promote women’s rights and empowerment and gender equality (WEGE Act)) women (Implementation of interventions /measures to promote women’s rights and empowerment and gender equality (WEGE Act))
WEGE: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 16 Strategic Objective: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/ /17 Sub-programme: Advocacy and mainstreaming (WEGE) Number of programmes for women’s economic empowerment 1 (programme on women in business and cooperatives projects coordinated with key government and other stakeholders) 1 (programme on women in business and cooperatives projects coordinated with key government and other stakeholders) 1 (programme on women in business and cooperatives Projects coordinated with key government and other stakeholders) Number of programmes on gender mainstreaming coordinated 1 (Programme for facilitation of gender Mainstreaming across designated bodies) 2 (Programme for facilitation gender mainstreaming across designated bodies) 3 (Programme for facilitation gender mainstreaming across designated bodies)
WEGE: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 17 Strategic Objective: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/ /17 Sub-programme: Institutional Support and Capacity Development (WEGE) Number of Capacity building and institutional support activities facilitated 4 (Reports on capacity building and institutional support facilitated at national, provincial and local government) 6 (Reports on capacity building and institutional support facilitated at national, provincial and local government) 6 (Reports on capacity building and institutional support facilitated at national, provincial and local government) Number of initiatives on Institutional Support and Capacity development framework undertaken 4 (Reports on sessions convened for institutionalization of women empowerment and gender mainstreaming in the public sector) 4 (Reports on sessions convened for institutionalization of women empowerment and gender mainstreaming in the public sector) 4 (Reports on sessions convened for institutionalization of women empowerment and gender mainstreaming in the public sector)
WEGE: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 18 Strategic Objective: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Institutional Support and Capacity Development (WEGE) Number of National Gender Machinery (NGM) sessions coordinated 2 (gender machineries sessions) 4 (gender machineries sessions) 4 (gender machineries sessions) Number of initiatives for young women facilitated 4 (Reports on workshops and dialogues convened with young women towards empowerment) 4 (Reports on workshops and dialogues convened with young women towards empowerment) 4 (Reports on workshops and dialogues convened with young women towards empowerment)
WEGE: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 19 Strategic Objective: Promote, advocate and monitor women’s empowerment of women and gender equality. Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/ /17 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation (WEGE) Number of status reports on women empowerment & gender equality compiled 2 (Reports on status of gender mainstreaming across different sectors compiled) 2 (Reports on status of gender mainstreaming across different sectors compiled) 2 (Reports on status of gender mainstreaming across different sectors compiled) Number of compliance reports to regional, continental and international commitments compiled 344
PROGRAMME 3: CHILDREN’S RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (CRR) The purpose of the Children Rights and Responsibilities programme is to promote, advocate and monitor the realisation of children’s rights through Government’s policies and programmes. SUB-PROGRAMMES: Advocacy and Mainstreaming Institutional Support and Capacity Development Monitoring and Evaluation Strategic Objective for Programme 3: Advocate for the realisation of children’s rights and responsibilities 20
CRR: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 21 Strategic Objective : Advocate for the realisation of children’s rights and responsibilities Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Advocacy and mainstreaming (CRR) Number of Municipalities targeted for mainstreaming children’s rights in line with the National Plan of Action for Children (NPAC) 466 Number of Social campaigns on rights of children conducted 345 Number of child participation sessions held on empowerment of children 222
CRR: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 22 Strategic Objective : Advocate for the realisation of children’s rights and responsibilities Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Institutional Support and Capacity Development (CRR) Number of Children`s Rights machineries convened 222 Number of Municipalities capacitated to implement the Child Friendly Communities Framework Number of capacity development initiatives coordinated 61012
CRR: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 23 Strategic Objective : Advocate for the realisation of children’s rights and responsibilities Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation (CRR) Number of national M&E Forums Provincial and municipal M&E reports on the status of children 1 National M&E initiative on the status of children 3 Provincial M&E reports 6 Municipalities workshoped 1 National M&E initiatives on children 10 Self-assessments of child friendly communities conducted 1 comprehensive report on children produced M&E data system developed and implemented Ulwazi Ngabantwana data base launched and piloted Ulwazi Ngabantwana data system produce annual report on the status of children AU report on the African rights and welfare of the child presented to the Expert Committee One report presented to the African Union (AU) UN reports presented to relevant Committee Develop 5th UNCRC Periodic Report
PROGRAMME 4: RIGHTS OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES The purpose of the Right’s of People with Disability programme is to facilitate and report comprehensively on the translation of National and International obligations into empowerment and socio-economic development programmes towards the realisation of the rights with disability and equalization of opportunities. SUB-PROGRAMMES: Advocacy and Mainstreaming Institutional Support and Capacity Development Monitoring and Evaluation Strategic Objective for Programme 4: Improved universal access and meaningful participation of women, children and persons with disabilities 24
RPD: CRR: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 25 Strategic Objective : Improved universal access and meaningful participation of women, children and persons with disabilities in all aspects of life Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Advocacy and mainstreaming (RPD) Number of Disability Rights Campaigns coordinated 111 Transversal policy and legislation to promote, protect and uphold the rights of persons with disabilities developed National Disability Rights Policy published Draft Disability Rights Legislation developed Disability Rights Legislation published
RPD: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 26 Strategic Objective : Improved universal access and meaningful participation of women, children and persons with disabilities in all aspects of life Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Institutional Support and Capacity Development (RPD) Number of Disability rights Machineries convened 222 Number of Capacity Development programmes initiated to promote the realisation of the rights of persons with disabilities 677 Strategy to fast-track the employment of persons with disabilities developed Strategy developedStrategy implemented and monitored
RPD: MEDIUM TERM TARGETS 2014/ /17 27 Strategic Objective : Improved universal access and meaningful participation of women, children and persons with disabilities in all aspects of life Program Performance Indicator Mid-Term Targets 2014/152015/162016/17 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation (RPD) Number of Reports on the Status of Persons with Disabilities developed 222
Department of Women, Children and People with Disability 29
Economic Classification 30
Economic Classification 31