Agriculture Department Double Digit Growth Agriculture Department Mandal : Kondapuram Year : 2015 - 16
Kondapuram Mandal Map
Kondapuram : Mandal profile Sl.No Item Units Area in Ha 1 Total Geographical Area ( in Ha) Ha 39393 2 No of Farm Holdings Nos 10236 3 Forest Area 8823 4 Barren & Uncultivable Land 1652 5 Land Putt to non Agri Uses 2145 6 Culturable Waste 1536 7 Permanent Pastures and Grazing Land 1399 8 Total Cultivable Area (In Ha) 31000 9 No of Revenue Villages 38 10 No of G.P 28 11 Mandal Cropping Pattern a G.Nut b Cotton c Bengalgram d Sunflower e Sesamum f Jowar
Agriculture Growth Engines Paddy Bengalgram Cotton Groundnut Sun flower Sesamum Jowar
Productivity in Kgs./Ha 3. Normal Areas,Production &Productivity of crops ( for last 2 yrs) 2013-14& 2014-15. Mandal: KOndapuram S.No Crop 2013 -14 2014 -15 Area in Ha Productivity in Kgs./Ha Production in MTs. GVA in Crs. 1 Paddy 814 4624 3764 6.02 403 5680 2289 3.43 2 Groundnut 806 615 496 2.23 429 671 288 1.3 3 Cotton 16 308 5 0.02 578 448 259 1.1 4 Bengalgram 4920 662 3257 12.38 3140 297 933 3.55 Sesamum 0.00 20 375 8 0.04 6 Maize 32 7045 225 0.33 7 Sunflower 1819 750 1364 5.46 1159 415 481 1.92 Jowar 1196 1560 1866 2.99 1228 850 1044 1.67 9 Other Crops 360 265 1.02 230 160 0.62
Productivity in Kgs./Ha 4. Area, Production& Productivity of targets of Growth Engines for 2015-16 . (last 2 years data of the same is also required) Mandal: Kondapuram SL. NO. Name of the Crop 2014 -15 2015 -16 Net Increases Area in Ha Productivity in Kgs./Ha Production in MTs. GVA in Crs. 1 Paddy 403 5680 2289 3.43 848 5750 4876 7.31 445 70 2587 3.88 2 Groundnut 429 671 288 1.3 469 1035 485 2.18 40 364 197 0.88 3 Cotton 578 448 259 1.1 412 750 309 1.25 -166 302 50 0.15 4 Bengalgram 3140 297 933 3.55 3231 760 2456 9.33 91 463 1523 5.78 5 Sesamum 20 375 8 0.04 515 10 0.05 140 0.01 6 Maize 0.00 7 Sunflower 1159 415 481 1.92 951 850 808 3.23 -208 435 327 1.31 Jowar 1228 1044 1.67 1110 1850 2054 3.29 -118 1000 1010 1.62 9 Other Crops 230 160 0.62 360 265 1.02 130 105 0.40
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal : Kondapuram Crop : Paddy Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 403 2289 5680 3.43 2015-16 848 4876 5750 7.31 Net Increase 445 2587 70 3.88 Interventions Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a) Macro Nutrient Management b) Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) Farm Yard Manure Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Farm Mechanization Area of previous year brought under cultivation
2.Integrated Nutrient Management a) Macro Nutrient Management Area Proposed under INM 485 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 5, 995 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 7,264 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1,269 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.06 crores Yield increase per ha 0.3 Qtls. Total yield increase 145.50 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.0291 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.09 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 1,869 per ha Application per ha.
b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) Area Proposed under Znic Sulphate application 400 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Zinc Sulphate Rs. 790 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Zinc Sulphate Rs . 0.03 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 0.5 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 200 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.04 Crs. Net benefit due to Zinc Sulphate application Rs. 0.07 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Zinc Sulphate application per ha Rs. 1,790 3. Farm Yard Manure application Area Proposed under FYM application 402 ha Cost increase per Ha due to application of FYM Rs. 2,000 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of FYM Rs . 0.08 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 1.10 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 442.20Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase 0.088 Crs. Net benefit due to FYM application Rs. 0.008 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FYM per Ha Rs. 200
4.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 390 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 1,763 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs . 2,325 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 562 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.02 crores Yield increase per Ha 0.3 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 117.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.023 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.05 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 1,162 5.Farm mechanization Area Proposed under Farm mechanization 390 ha Cost reduction per ha due to supply of farm implements i.e., rotovator, Transplanter and Harvesters Rs. 2,200 per ha Cost reduction due to FM implementation on labour Rs . 0.086 Crs. Yield increase per Ha due to reduces in harvesting losses 0.4 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 156.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.03 Crs. Net benefit due to FM usage Rs. 0.12 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FM usage per Ha Rs. 3,000
6. Area of previous year brought under cultivation Area proposed to be increase 325 ha Increase in yield per ha 54.5 Qtls Total yield increase 1771.50 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.3.54 crores Net benefit due to additional area Rs.3.54 crores Summary Total area proposed 753 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 2,821 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 4,990 per ha Total value increase Rs. 3.88 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal : Kondapuram Crop : Bengalgram Present and Projected scenario Year Area(Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 3140 933 297 3.55 2015-16 3231 2456 760 9.33 Net Increase 91 1523 463 5.78 Interventions Seed replacement 2. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) 3. Integrated pest management (IPM) 4. Farm Mechanization 5. Area proposed of previous year brought under cultivation
2.Integrated Nutrient Management Macro Nutrient Management 1.Seed replacement Area Proposed under Seed Replacement 3,140 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Subsidy seed Rs. 500 per ha Total benefit on subsidy seed Rs 0.157 Crs. Yield increase per ha 0.80 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 2,512 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.88 Crs. Net benefit due to Seed Replacement Rs. 1.04 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to seed replacement per ha Rs. ,,300 2.Integrated Nutrient Management Macro Nutrient Management Area Proposed under INM 3140 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 2,444 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 3,737 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1,293 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.41 crores Yield increase per ha 0.40 Qtls. Total yield increase 1,256.00 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.44 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.85 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 3,693 per ha Application per ha.
b. Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) Area Proposed under Zinc Sulphate application 174 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Zinc Sulphate Rs. 790 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Zinc Sulphate Rs . 0.014 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 0.60 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 104.40 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.036 Crs. Net benefit due to Zinc Sulphate application Rs. 0.050 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Zinc Sulphate Rs. 2,890 application per ha. 3.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 3,140 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 3,523 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs . 7,100 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 3,577 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 1.12 crores Yield increase per Ha 0.40 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 1,256.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.44 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 1.56 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 4,977
4.Farm mechanization Area Proposed under Farm mechanization 3,140 ha Cost reduction per ha due to supply of farm implements i.e., rotovator, Transplanter and Harvesters Rs. 2,200 per ha Cost reduction due to FM implementation on labour Rs . 0.69 Crs. Yield increase per Ha due to reduces in harvesting losses 0.30 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 942.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.33 Crs. Net benefit due to FM usage Rs. 1.02 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FM usage per Ha Rs. 3,250 5. Area of previous year brought under cultivation Area proposed to be increase 360 ha Increase in yield per ha 10.00 Qtls Total yield increase 3,600 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.1.26 crores Net benefit due to additional area Rs.1.26 crores Summary Total area proposed 3,231 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 3,170 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 17,110 per ha Total value increase Rs. 5.78 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal : Kondapuram Crop : Cotton Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production (MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 578 259 448 1.10 2015-16 412 309 750 1.25 Net Increase -166 50 302 0.15 Interventions 1.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Boron) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM)
1.Integrated Nutrient Management a. Macro Nutrient application Area Proposed under INM 295 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 4,261 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 5,480 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1,219 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.04crores Yield increase per ha 0.5Qtls. Total yield increase 147.50 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.059 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.10 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 3,244 per ha Application per ha. b.Micro Nutrient application (Boron) Area Proposed under Boron application 200 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Boron Rs. 135 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Boron Rs . 0.003 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 0.20 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 40.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.016 Crs. Net benefit due to Boron application Rs. 0.0189 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Boron Rs. 945 application per ha
3. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 200 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 2,000 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs .3,000 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 1,000 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.02 crores Yield increase per Ha 0.2 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 40.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.02 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.04 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 121 Summary Total area proposed 412 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 2,354 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 4,310 per ha Total value increase Rs. 0.15 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal : Kondapuram Crop : Groundnut Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 429 288 671 1.30 2015-16 469 485 1035 2.18 Net Increase 40 197 364 0.88 Interventions Seed replacement Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a) Macro Nutrient Management b) Micro Nutrient application (Gypsum) Farm Yard Manure Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area proposed of previous year brought under cultivation Area Proposed under Seed Replacement 300 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Subsidy seed Rs. 2,700 per ha Total benefit on subsidy seed Rs 0.081 Crs. Yield increase per ha 0.80 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 240 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.144 Crs. Net benefit due to Seed Replacement Rs. 0.225 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to seed replacement per ha Rs. 7,500
2.Integrated Nutrient Management a) Macro Nutrient Management Area Proposed under INM 429 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 2, 922 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 4,825 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1903 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.08 crores Yield increase per ha 0.5 Qtls. Total yield increase 214.50 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.128 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.21 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 4,903 per ha Application per ha.
b. Micro Nutrient application (Gypsum) Area Proposed under Gypsum application 300 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Gypsum Rs. 1800 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Gypsum Rs . 0.054 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 0.40 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 120.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.072 Crs. Net benefit due to Gypsum application Rs. 0.126 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Gypsum application per ha Rs. 4,200
3.Farm Yard Manure application Area Proposed under FYM application 250 ha Cost increase per Ha due to application of FYM Rs. 2,500 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of FYM Rs . 0.0063 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 0.8Qtls. Total Yield Increase 200.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase 0.12 Crs. Net benefit due to FYM application Rs. 0.0575 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FYM per Ha Rs. 2,300 4.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 300 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 1602 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs . 2537 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 935 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.03 crores Yield increase per Ha 0.4 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 120.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.072 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.10 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 3,335
5. Area proposed of previous year brought under cultivation Area proposed to be increase 20 ha Increase in yield per ha 13.05 Qtls Total yield increase 261.00 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.157 crores Net benefit due to additional area Rs.0.157 crores Summary Total area proposed 449 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 2,840 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 22,238 per ha Total value increase Rs. 0.88 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal: Kondapuram Crop : Sunflower Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 1159 481 415 1.92 2015-16 951 808 850 3.23 Net Increase -208 327 435 1.31 Interventions Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM) 3. Farm Mechanization
1.Integrated Nutrient Management a. Macro Nutrient application Area Proposed under INM 951 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 2,271 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 3,535 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1,264 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.12crores Yield increase per ha 1.1Qtls. Total yield increase 1046.10 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.42 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.54 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 5,664 per ha Application per ha. b.Micro Nutrient application (Boron) Area Proposed under Boron application 45 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Boron Rs. 135 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Boron Rs . 0.001 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 1.00 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 45.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.018 Crs. Net benefit due to Boron application Rs. 0.02 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Boron Rs. 4,135 application per ha
2.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 951 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 2,050 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs .3,500 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 1,450 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.14 crores Yield increase per Ha 1.00 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 951.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.38 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.52 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 5,450
4.Farm mechanization Area Proposed under Farm mechanization 825 ha Cost reduction per ha due to supply of farm implements i.e., rotovator, Transplanter and Harvesters Rs. 1,500 per ha Cost reduction due to FM implementation on labour Rs . 0.12 Crs. Yield increase per Ha due to reduces in harvesting losses 0.40 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 330.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.12 Crs. Net benefit due to FM usage Rs. 0.24 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FM usage per Ha Rs. 2,900 Summary Total area proposed 951 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 4,349 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 18,149 per ha Total value increase Rs. 1.31 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal : Kondapuram Crop : Sesamum Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 20 8 375 0.04 2015-16 10 515 0.05 Net Increase 2 140 0.01 Interventions 1.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Boron) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM)
1.Integrated Nutrient Management a. Macro Nutrient application Area Proposed under INM 20 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 2,177 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 2,868 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.1,117 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.002crores Yield increase per ha 0.25 Qtls. Total yield increase 5.00 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.0024 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.005 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 2,317 per ha Application per ha.
2.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 20 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 1,402 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs .1,970 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 568 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.0011 crores Yield increase per Ha 0.4 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 8.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.009 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.005 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 2,488 Summary Total area proposed 20 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 1,685 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 4,805 per ha Total value increase Rs. 0.010 Crs
Interventions proposed to achieve Double Digit Growth Mandal: Kondapuram Crop : Jowar Present and Projected scenario Year Area( Ha) Production ( MT) Productvity (Kgs per Ha) GVA (Rs. In crores) 2014-15 1228 1044 850 1.67 2015-16 1110 2054 1850 3.29 Net Increase -118 1010 1000 1.62 Interventions 1.Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) a. Macro Nutrient application b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) 2. Integrated pest management (IPM) 3. Farm Mechanisation
1.Integrated Nutrient Management a. Macro Nutrient application Area Proposed under INM 1110 ha NPK as per recommended Rs. 1,749 per ha Cost of fertilizer as per farmers usages Rs 2,705 per ha Cost reduce per ha due to adopting INM Macro Rs.956 per ha Nutrient application Total benefit on Macro Nutrient application Rs.0.11crores Yield increase per ha 3.00 Qtls. Total yield increase 3,330 Qtls Benefit due to yield increase Rs.0.57 crores Net benefit due to Macro Nutrient application Rs. 0.67 crores Net benefit to the farmer due to Macro Nutrient Rs. 6,056 per ha Application per ha. b.Micro Nutrient application (Zinc Sulphate) Area Proposed under Zinc Sulphate 174 ha Cost reduction per Ha due to supply of Zinc Sulphate Rs. 395 per ha Total benefit on subsidy of Zinc Sulphate Rs . 0.0068 Crs. Yield increase per Ha 2.50 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 435 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs. 0.073 Crs. Net benefit due to Zinc Sulphate Rs. 0.081Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to Zinc Sulphate Rs. 4,645 application per ha
2.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Area Proposed under IPM application 1110 ha IPM as per recommended dose Rs. 920 per ha Farmer practice usages Rs .1,380 per ha Cost reduction due to adopting of IPM Rs. 460 per ha Total benefit on IPM application Rs. 0.051 crores Yield increase per Ha 2.80 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 3108 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.53 Crs. Net benefit due to IPM application Rs. 0.58 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to IPM application per Ha Rs. 5,220 3.Farm mechanization Area Proposed under Farm mechanization 1110 ha Cost reduction per ha due to supply of farm implements i.e., rotovator, Transplanter and Harvesters Rs. 1,500 per ha Cost reduction due to FM implementation on labour Rs . 0.17 Crs. Yield increase per Ha due to reduces in harvesting losses 0.30 Qtls. Total Yield Increase 333.00 Qtls. Benefit due to Yield increase Rs.0.12 Crs. Net benefit due to FM usage Rs. 0.28 Crs. Net benefit to the farmer due to FM usage per Ha Rs. 2,550
Summary Total area proposed 1110 ha Cost reduction /ha due to interventions Rs. 3,311 per ha Net benefit to the farmers due to interventions Rs. 18471 per ha Total value increase Rs. 1.62 Crs
Remedy to address the problem Soil Condition S.No Problem Remedy to address the problem 1 Low Organic carbon content in the soil Raising of legume crops(PULSES) for nitrogen fixation in soil and application of soil amendments like castor cake ,Neem seed kernal extract etc 2 Low nitrogen content in soil Split application of nitrogenous fertilisers as basal and top dressing and Prevention of nitrogen losses by using neem coated urea 3 Increase in phosphates (P2O5) content in soil Recommendation of increased use of organic fertiliser and application of phosphorus solubilising bio fertilisers in soil 4 Increase in PH OF SOIL i.e>8.7 Application of Gypsum at an average of 500 kg /acre 5 Decerese in PH i.e <4.00 Application of lime at an average of 600 to 1200 Kg/acre 6 Micronutrient deficiency for zinc and iron elements Application of the respective Micronutrient fertiliser 7 Increase in Electrical conductivity Managing drainage problem in irrigation and leaching of excess salts in soil
5.Soil Health Profile based on soil test results conducted during 2015. Sl. No. Component Target No.of soil samples collected by MAOs No.of Soil Sample received to Lab No.of Soil Sample analysed Soil Health Cards online Soil Health Cards distributed 1 Macro 980 720 718 217 2 Micro 490 S.No Particulars Status 1 Ogranic Carbon Low Zinc 87% deficient 2 Nitrogen Boran 40 % deficient 3 Phosphorous Medium Iron 90% deficient 4 Potash High Sulphar 27 % deficient
Potassium Content in Soils is Very high, hence Farmers recommended not to apply Potassium to Soils apply of Phosphate as Basal dose only in follow of recommendations Apply of Neem coated Urea for increase efficiency of Nitrogen As per the analysis reports received Micronutrient deficiencies observed as detailed Zinc- 87% deficiency, Iron- 90% deficiency, Sulphure- 27% deficiency, Boron- 40% deficiency. To correct Micronutrient deficiencies, the following Micronutrients proposed to Supply by Department of Agriculture as follows Zinc targeted area proposed is 574 ha, allotted 10.0mts Boron targeted area proposed is 245 ha, allotted 0.92mts Gypsum targeted area proposed is 620 ha, allotted 114 MTs
6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) I Additional Areas:- Additional Areas under irrigation provided by Irrigation department.:- nil Areas crop wise targeted by Department of Agriculture:- Areas crop wise brought under diversification and previous area brought under cultivation detailed below. Crop Paddy Maize Bengal gram Cotton Ground nut Sunflower Sesamum Jower Others Total Area in ha 445 91 40 130 706
6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) B) Varietal Replacement plan targeted for 2015-16:- Crop Paddy Remarks Bengal gram Name of Variety NBG-3 Seed availability is the major constrain No. of ha’s proposed 1000 Qty of Seed required in qtls 1429.00
III Soil Health Management A. Fertilizer requirement as per Normal Areas for last 2 years. Sno Year Mandal Normal area Urea DAP NPK Other Total 1 2013-14 12145 526 120 399 30 1075 2 2014-15 10924 516 98 308 47 969 B.Actual chemical fertilizer consumed for last 2 years. Sno Year Mandal Normal area Urea DAP NPK Other Total Remarks 1 2013-14 12145 526 120 399 30 1075 Fertilizer Consumption assumed based on the Fertilizer sales at Mandal level
C.As per the targeted area, fertilizer requirement for 2015-16 (as per the soil test based recommendations). Sno Year Mandal Normal area Urea DAP MOP NPK SSP Total 1 2015-16 12145 840 450 200 850 50 2390
Allocation of Micro Nutrients for the year 2015-16 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Mandal Gypsum 42% deficiency Kharif-15 Rabi-15-16 Area in Ha Target Positioned Distributed 1 Muddanur Kondapuram 620 114 21 2 125 60 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Mandal Boron Boron 40% Deficiency Total Target Kharif-15 Rabi-15-16 Basal Foliar Area Target Positioned Distributed 1 Muddanur Kondapuram 245 0.920 0.25 184 0.75 49 0.15 6 0.010 Sl. No Name of the Division Name of the Mandal Zinc Sulphate 65% deficiancy Total Kharif-15 Rabi-15-16 Area Target Positioned Distributed Basal Foliar 12% 1 Muddanur Kondapuram 574 10 459 8 14 0.25 86
D.Saving of fertilizer by following soil test based recommendations. . Potassium Content in Soils is Very high, hence Farmers recommended not to apply Potassium to Soils. . Apply of Phosphate as Basal dose only in follow of Recommendations. . Apply of Neem coated Urea for increase of efficiency E.Micro nutrient deficiency in Normal areas and targets of Micro nutrient supply during 2015-16. .As per the analysis reports received Micronutrient deficiencies observed as detailed Zinc- 87% deficiency, Iron- 90% deficiency, Sulphure- 27% deficiency, Boron-40% deficiency. To correct Micronutrient deficiencies, the following Micronutrients proposed to Supply by Department of Agriculture as follows Zinc targeted area proposed is 574 ha, allotted 10.0mts Boron targeted area proposed is 245 ha, allotted 0.92mts Gypsum targeted area proposed is 745 ha, allotted 174 mts F. Problematic soils like Saline, Alkaline, salt etc. and areas and measures taken for reclamation (quantify Nil).
IV Good Agricultural Practices Detailed good agronomical practices to be adopted crop wise. Paddy:- . Seed Treatment with Carbendazim-1g/kg seed . Basal application of Zinc 50kgs /ha . Drain out the Field at Tillering stage for increasing productive Tillers . Making of allies for every 2mts in East-West direction . 4-5 split applications of Fertilizer . Line sowing/ Drum seeding Method . Mechanized Harvesting Cotton:- .Seed treatment with Imidacloprid -48%- 7gms/kg .Basal application of Zinc-50kg/ha, Boron-2.5kg/ha, Magnesium- 10kg/ha Application of Fertilizer within 90DAS .Stem application method within 60DAS . Inter cropping with Redgram crop . To reduce pesticide consumption sowing of Non-Bt cotton.
IV Good Agricultural Practices 3.Bengal gram:- .Seed treatment with T.viridae-8-10g/kg of Seed./ Hexaconazole-2ml/kg of seed . Inter cropping with Coriander @8:2 ratio Highlight locally adopted best agronomical practices and indigenously developed practices.:- Nil Crop sequence:- 1. Paddy- Groundnut, 2.Paddy-Sesamum, 3.Paddy-Pulses(Green gram or Black gram) Crop rotation:- 1. Cotton-Bengal gram 2. Bengal gram- Coriander Double cropping 1. Paddy-Paddy 2.Paddy- Pulses Inter cropping:- 1.Cotton-Redgram
V Cost Reduction Strategies and techniques followed to reduce cost of cultivation. Chemical fertilizer applications (Nitrogen ):- By application of Green manure seed, improves the Fertilizer efficiency, there by reduces the Application of Nitrogenous Fertilizers up to 30%. Without green manures applies 375kgs/ha, With green manure applies 250kgs/ha. Pest management.:- Application of Neem oil 3000ppm reduces the Pest infestation. Promotion of organic pesticides, fertilizers and other botanicals.:- Seed treatment with Pseudomonas, Application of PSB 10kgs/ha, Application of Weedicide:- Application of Weedicides as pre-emergence and Post-emergence will reduces cost.
VI. Extensions and Capacity building Polam pilusthondhi- schedule detailed information required ChandrannaRythukshetralu Sl. No. Mandal Date Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon 2.00PM to 5.30PM 1 2 3 4 5 Kondapuram 2.06.15 3.06.15 Venkayyakalva,lavanur Pottipadu,S.Thimmapuram 4.06.15 P.Thimmapuram,Kondapuram,Muchumarri,Choutipalli Obannapeta,K.bommepalli 5.06.15 Nederapeta,Dathapuram,Thallproddutur,Regadipalli Bukkapatnam,Yetur 6.06.15 K.Ramireddypalli,Burujupalli,B.kottalapalli,Beduduru Konavaripalli,Yanamalachinthala 6 07.06.15 Chamaluru,Yarragudi,T.koduru,Dobbudupalli K.Sugumanchupalli,Sankepalli 7 09.06.15 Lavanuru Chennamanenipalli 8 10.06.15 Venkaiahkalva Pottipadu 9 16.06.15 P.Ananthpuram Penjuvvi 10 17.06.15 S.Thimmapuram Donkupalli 11 23.06.15 Gandluru Chavitipalli 12 24.06.15 Obannapeta 13 30.06.15 Burujupalli venkatapuram
VI. Extensions and Capacity building Sl. No. Mandal Date Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon 2.00PM to 5.30PM 1 2 3 4 5 14 Kondapuram 01.07.15 Regadipalli Brahmanapalli 15 07.07.15 Konavaripalli Yanamalachinthala 16 08.07.15 Yeturu Beduduru 17 14.07.15 T.Proddatur Sugumanchipalli 18 15.07.15 Yarragudi Chamaluru 19 21.07.15 Sankepalli T.Koduru 20 22.07.15 Murugampalli Koppolu 21 28.07.15 Lavanuru Chennamanenipalli 22 29.07.15 Venkaiahkalva Pottipadu 23 04.08.15 P.Ananthpuram Penjuvvi 24 05.08.15 S.Thimmapuram Donkupalli 25 11.08.15 Gandluru Chavitipalli 26 12.08.15 Obannapeta
VI. Extensions and Capacity building Sl. No. Mandal Date Village visited 8.30AM to 12.00noon 2.00PM to 5.30PM 1 2 3 4 5 27 Kondapuram 18.08.15 Burujupalli venkatapuram 28 19.08.15 Regadipalli Brahmanapalli 29 25.08.15 Konavaripalli Yanamalachinthala 30 26.08.15 Yeturu Beduduru 31 01.09.15 T.Proddatur Sugumanchipalli 32 02.9.15 Yarragudi Chamaluru 33 08.09.15 Sankepalli T.Koduru 34 09.09.15 Murugampalli Koppolu 35 15.09.15 Lavanuru Chennamanenipalli 36 16.09.15 Venkaiahkalva Pottipadu 37 22.09.15 P.Ananthpuram Penjuvvi 38 23.09.15 S.Thimmapuram Donkupalli 39 29.09.15 Gandluru Chavitipalli
Statement showing the details of CRKs proposals in kondapuram for the Year 2015-16 Sno Name of Mandal Village Crop Season Organized by Name Cadre 1 Kondapuram Chennamaneni Palli Bengalgram Rabi U.Nagabhushan Reddy MAO 3 K.Venkatapuram C.Ramesh AEO 4 Eturu Paddy Kharif
VI. Extensions and Capacity building Special awareness programs and trainings conducted to MPEOs and Farmers in highlighting cost reduction and promotion of Natural Farming.:- Trainings organized on Organic Farming in Co-ordination with Scientists from KVK, ARS, DAATT center. Identification of Best Adoptive Farmers as Master Trainers.:- Involvement RMGs, SHGs, NGOs & other Organisations. Exposure of farmers to CMSA villages.
Farm Mechanisation Farm machinery- item wise required to cover 100%.:- Rotavators-10no.s, Tractor drawn implements.38, Plant protection equipments – 50 , Diesel Engines-15,Power Tillers-5,Mini Tractors-1,Tarpalins (HDPE)-145,Tarpalins (MCL)-22 CHC(Cotton)-5no.Combined Harvester-1. Action plan for supply of farm machinery as per allocation 2015-16.:- Planned In JBMV program and collected implement wise Farmer details. After allotment details intimated to the Farmers. Cost reduction through farm mechanization .:- Cost is reduced by application of Rotavator up to Rs. 2000/ha, By application of Mechanized harvesting it reduces up to Rs.2200/ha. Use threshing Machinery reduces cost upto Rs.2500/ha. Enhancement of yields through farm mechanization:- Nil
Tractor Drawn Implements 38 3.79 2 Rotavators 5 2.6 3 Statement showing the Mandal wise component wise category wisebudget allocation Under NSP during-2015-16 - Kondapuram Mandal. S.No Mandal Name of the implement Phy Fin Remarks 1 Kondapuram Tractor Drawn Implements 38 3.79 2 Rotavators 5 2.6 3 Plant protection equipment 35 1.5 4 Diesel engines 0.55 Power Tiller 0.75 6 Mini Tractors 0.84 7 Tarpalins(HDPE) 145 1.92 8 Trapalins(MCL) 22 0.29
VIII. IT – Applications Enrolment of farmers to M-Kissan portal.:- 1. This fastens the advising of the Farmers. 2.This creates awareness on Modern practices 3. All beneficiary farmers of all schemes of department to be enrolled in M- Kissan.:- 1.This is useful to get the details of Farmers who availed schemes previously 2. This prevents repetition, there by more Farmers availing Scheme benefits.
Conclusion: The Kondapuram mandal people are mainly depending on Agriculture and majority of the farmers are big and marginal farmers. They cultivating Groundnut & Bengalgram as major rain fed crop for their Livelyhood and also growing paddy, Cotton as a major crops in Kharif. The soils also having poor organic carbon, low Nitrogen, P2O5 medium and having High K2O and also deficient in micro nutrients such as Zinc. Advocating of farmers through Department personnel adopting Neam Coated Urea and Straight Fertilizers to improve Fertilizere use Efficiency and micronutrients application in all the crops to correct the deficiencies. Farmers are advising to raise Green Manuring crops in all the cultivating areas before raising crop to increase organic carbon in soil.
Conclusion: The extension staff of the mandal are extensively giving wide publicity though trainings and distributing Phamplets to create awareness to all the farmers on Soil sampling and advantages of soil sampling, duly adopting the Soil test based fertilizer application for all the crops. The rural poor living standards and economical standards there is a need of technology transfer to the farmer by giving trainings, exposure visits, conducting Demos with increases the capacity building of the individual farmer will increases the confidence Leeds to adopt new practices in future for getting better results. Promoting farm mechanization, organic farming, and application of Bio agents reduce the cost of cultivation and maintains the ecology. Due to above efforts of the Department the cost benefit ratio of farming community in the mandal has been increased which results in successful achievement of double digit growth for the year 2015-16.