Using MODIS Aqua, SeaWiFS and In Situ Data for the Assessment of Harmful Algal Blooms in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Gregory A. Carter and Dan Holiday The University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast Geospatial Center Carlos Del Castillo and Raymond E. Sterner II The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory Kent Ross and Lee Estep SSAI Project Briefing to the NASA Applied Sciences Program, SSC, June 3, 2009
Primary Question: What is the efficacy of satellite Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data in monitoring phytoplankton populations in the turbid, Case II waters of the Northern Gulf? Goal: Evaluate the use of MODIS and SeaWiFS Ocean Color data and MODIS SST data for assessing phytoplankton populations in the Northern Gulf of Mexico.
Tasks: 1.Determine taxonomic composition of phytoplankton communities 2.Determine primary environmental factors controlling phytoplankton populations 3.Acquire MODIS and SeaWiFS data corresponding with in situ sampling dates 4.Apply Ocean Color algorithms 5.Determine relationships of Ocean Color and SST data products with phytoplankton population data 6.Compare MODIS vs. SeaWiFS utility 7.Derive conclusions regarding the efficacy of Ocean Color and SST data as indicators of phytoplankton composition in Case II waters 8.Prepare and submit final report to NASA 9.Publish results in the peer-reviewed literature
HAB species detected in MS waters Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (Amnesic SP) Karenia brevis (Neurotoxic SP) Karenia mikimotoi (NSP) Gymnodinium sanguineum (Paralytic SP) Dinophysis caudata (Diarrhetic SP) Prorocentrum (5 Species) (DSP) Karlodinium spp. (Karlotoxins, fish kills) Heterocapsa triquetra (Hypoxic, Jubilee) Phyla – 13 Genera – 105
MODIS 1km data Accuracy: 72%
HyMap (3 m hyperspectral) VIIRS simulated (750 m)
Remaining Tasks: 1.Form conclusions 2.Submit final report 3.Publish results