SCATE Inc. External Evaluation Summary GeoTech Yr. 3 Yr. 3 National Advisory Board Meeting Feb. 9-11, 2011
Goal 1 Nat’l Leadership & Expertise ↑ → or ↓ ID/documentation of research-based & successful strategies Engagement with academic & professional org. Exceptionally productive partnership with DOL Publications/communi cations, web traffic Documented use of GeoTech strategies Clear desired outcome for partnerships with other gov’t entities Value-added resources/services ID’d & provided based on feedback---fac. dev. evaluation issues
Goal 2 Skills and Competencies ↑ ↑ GTCM developed with DOL Matrix created to establish & promote career pathways & guide curriculum development Added RS DACUM activity with $supp. Alignment tools developed & being field tested Leveraging GTCM “news” for branding and outreach (news releases, publications, webinars, etc.)
Goal 3 Resources ↑ → or ↓ New website design and initial functionality GST program map Growing collection of “successful” strategies Keeping current Newsletter Remote access Lack editorial guidelines & ways of engaging broader community to populate clearinghouse Goals for Synergy diffusion of remote access innovation/scale up
Goal 4 Faculty Development & Outreach ↑ → or ↓ # educators reached # Professional development activities/exhibits/ presentations + initial feedback Use of Webinars Focus on target audience Incomplete & inconsistent reporting & data on outreach & training events No # for GIS Day participants
Goal 5 Student engagement and Outreach ↑ → or ↓ Initial role model ID & feature Students at ATE PI Conference & internat’l events Competitions Internship data reported No central message yet No easy use/adapt materials available Need more &used strategies to increase diversity
Sustainability ↑ → or ↓ Brand recognition Respect Spin-off & collaborative projects/partners Industry support Work to realign and think forward Gaps in closing loops on feedback & evaluation to inform future work Unclear strategy for industry involvement in sustainability
Elaine Craft, President/CEO SCATE Inc. & Director, SC ATE Center of Excellence Florence-Darlington Technical College, Florence, SC