Ohlone College Learning Alliance for Bioscience Summer Bridge Program 2013 Dog Genetics June 24 – July 3, 2013 Ohlone Newark Center Earn college credit while having fun and learning in a state-of-the-art laboratory facility! Students will earn 2 units of Ohlone credit in BIOT103 while participating in the program. In this class we will learn about the genetics of different dog breeds, extract DNA from the cheek cells of a variety of dogs, PCR amplify and sequence canine olfactory receptor genes, and use bioinformatics tools to compare gene sequences. Field trips to local biotechnology companies and/or national labs are included.
Ohlone College Learning Alliance for Bioscience Summer Bridge Program days: June and July 1-3, :00am – 4:00pm Ohlone College Newark Center, Cherry St. Lunch provided every day. No cost to students for in-state tuition, provided they attend all 7 days. Graduating seniors who complete the program and enroll in the LAB Learning Community at Ohlone in the fall will be eligible to apply for a LAB Learning Community scholarship. Applications due to high school LAB teachers by April 26, Enrollment is limited. Students will be notified of their acceptance into the program by May 10, Eligibility: Completed or currently taking LAB biotechnology class, grade C or better Parent/guardian and high school LAB teacher approval Provide own transportation to/from Ohlone’s Newark campus Timely completion of registration paperwork upon acceptance into program *Note: Priority will be given to graduating seniors in the LAB Program who are planning to attend Ohlone, but all LAB students are invited to apply. Questions? Contact Dr. Laurie Issel-Tarver: *please keep this page for your records*
L.A.B. Summer Bridge Program June 24-July 3, 2013 Student Application: Due April 26, 2013 Name: _____________________________________________________________ address (PRINT CLEARLY!): _____________________________________ High School:________________________________________________________ Ohlone Student ID number (if available): ________________________________ Current Grade Level (circle one): What college do you plan to attend when you graduate? ______________________ Preferred T-shirt size: S M L XL XXL In one or two sentences, why are you interested in participating in this program? _________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: Address (street address, city, zipcode): _________________________________________________________________ Student’s home and cell phone numbers (include area code) : _________________________________________________________________ Emergency contact (name and phone #): _________________________________________________________________ *Student & Parent/Guardian & Teacher Signatures / Firmas de Estudiante y Padre/Guardián y Maestro/a: *Note: All three (3) signatures are required / Las tres (3) firmas son necesarias. Student / Estudiante: ___________________________ _______________________________ (print name / letra de molde) (sign name / firma) (date / fecha) Parent/Guardian / Padre/Guardián ___________________________ _______________________________ (print name / letra de molde) (sign name / firma) (date / fecha) Teacher / Maestro/a (confirmation of “C” or better/ confirmación de “C”): ___________________________ _______________________________ (print name / letra de molde) (sign name / firma) (date / fecha)
Photo Release Form Office of College Advancement Ohlone Community College District I, the undersigned, hereby assign all rights to photographs taken of me during the LAB Summer Bridge Program to Ohlone College and its designees. I understand the photos may (or may not) be used for advertising and publicity purposes or any other use Ohlone College intends, which may include billboards, print, web and broadcast advertisements, catalog and schedule covers or fillers, or other publicity or advertising purposes. I understand that I will not be compensated for use of the photos or time spent while taking the photos. I also acknowledge that there will be no notice given to me as to when or how Ohlone College or its designees may use the photos. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this release form and agree to all conditions herein. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student Name (Print)(Signature)(Phone # ) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name (Print)(Signature)(Phone # ) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address Ohlone Community College District Office of College Advancement Mission Boulevard Fremont, CA