Framework Programme 7 - funding opportunities for plant virologists and others Dr William Dawson (Senior Technical Writer)
Summary How Europe’s research compares with that in the US and Japan The EC’s goals for research funding Framework programme budgets The budget for FP7 FP6 components FP7 components: CO-OPERATION IDEAS PEOPLE CAPACITIES Management of FP7 by the EC Tentative roadmap for FP7 Further information
How Europe’s research compares with that in the US and Japan EU-25USJapan R&D intensity (% of GDP) Share of R&D financed by industry (%) Researchers per thousand labour force (FTE) Share of world scientific publications (%) Scientific publications per million population Share of world triadic patents (%) Triadic patents per million population High-tech exports as a share of total manufacturing exports (%) Share of world high-tech exports (%) Red text = low normal text = mid bold text = high
Europe to become “the most competitive and dynamic knowledge based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion” – Lisbon Summit, March 2000 Aim to increase the average level of expenditure on R&D to 3% of GDP by 2010 – Barcelona Summit, March 2002 The EC’s goals for research funding
Framework Programme Budgets
Main new elements compared to FP6: Annual budget doubled (€5 Billion ►€10 Billion) Total – €72,726 Million Basic research (~ €1.5 Billion per year) FP7 will last for 7 years (increased from 5 years) FP7 Budget Provisions
Sixth Framework Programme: Main components 1. Focusing and Integrating European research €13,345M 2. Structuring the European Research Area €2,605M 3. Strengthening the foundations of the ERA €320M Concentration on selected priority research areas Structuring effect through stronger links with national, regional and other European initiatives Co-ordination & simplification
Seventh Framework Programme: Main components PROGRAMMES FP7 EC (€ '000) CO-OPERATIONThemes Health 8,317 Biotech, Food, Agriculture 2,455 Information Society 12,670 Nano, Materials, Production 4,832 Energy 2,931 Environment 2,535 Transport 5,940 Socio-economic Research 792 Space and Security 3,960 44,432 IDEAS European Research Council 11,862 PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions 7,129 CAPACITIES Research Infrastructures 3,961 Research for, and by, SMEs 1,901 Regions of Knowledge 158 Research Potential 554 Science in Society 554 International Co-operation 358 7,486 JRC (EC) 1,817 Total 72,726
CO-OPERATION (FP7) Collaborative research Collaborative research will constitute the bulk and the core of EU research funding in FP7. Similar to FP6 with themes and similar instruments (e.g. IPs, NoEs, STRePs, CAs, SSAs etc.) Joint Technology Initiatives Provide a framework for stakeholders, led by industry, to define research and development priorities, timeframes and action plans on a number of strategically important issues Co-ordination of national research programmes The action undertaken in this field will make use of two main tools: the ERA-NET scheme and the participation of the Community in jointly implemented national research programmes (Treaty Article 169)
Focusing & Integrating Research (FP6) Thematic Priorities Budget (M Euro) Life sciences, genomics, biotechnology, health Information Society technologies Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences Aeronautics and space Food quality and safety 685 Sustainable development Citizens and governance 225 Specific activities 1 300
CO-OPERATION (FP7) Budgetary increases by Theme Budget (M Euro) Health; % Food, Agriculture and biotechnology; % ICT; % NMP; % Energy; % Environment; % Transport (including aeronautics); % Socio-economic sciences & the humanities; % Security and Space; 3960 n/a - in addition two themes are covered by the Euratom Framework Programme i.e. Fusion energy research (ITER) and Nuclear fission and radiation protection
Joint Technology Initiatives / Platforms Hydrogen and Fuel Cells for a Sustainable Energy Future Aeronautics and Air Transport Innovative Medicines for the Citizens of Europe Embedded systems Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Towards new Nanoelectronics Approaches CO-OPERATION (FP7)
Joint Technology Initiatives/Platforms (FP6) PGBTP: Plant Genomics and Biotechnology Technology Platform Academia Karin Metzlaff EPSO Tel/Fax: / Industry Simon Barber EuropaBio / European Commission Waldemar Kütt EC DG Res Dir. E / Project acronym:TP Plants and Health Project Full Title: “The European Technology Platform on Plant Genomics and Biotechnology: Plants for healthy lifestyles and for sustainable development” Partners:European Plant Science Organisation ( EuropaBio ( Time Schedule: Duration of 32 months. Fixed starting date ; Finished by EU Contribution: €555,950 Submitted to: Sixth Framework programme, Priority 1, LIFESCIHEALTH-I Proposal Number:
Seventh Framework Programme: Main components PROGRAMMES FP7 EC (€ '000) CO-OPERATIONThemes Health 8,317 Biotech, Food, Agriculture 2,455 Information Society 12,670 Nano, Materials, Production 4,832 Energy 2,931 Environment 2,535 Transport 5,940 Socio-economic Research 792 Space and Security 3,960 44,432 IDEAS European Research Council 11,862 PEOPLE Marie Curie Actions 7,129 CAPACITIES Research Infrastructures 3,961 Research for, and by, SMEs 1,901 Regions of Knowledge 158 Research Potential 554 Science in Society 554 International Co-operation 358 7,486 JRC (EC) 1,817 Total 72,726
IDEAS – Frontier Research A European Research Council will be set up to administer the IDEAS programme This will stimulate creativity and excellence by funding basic or ‘frontier’ research by individual teams competing at a European level Executive Agency Scientific Governing Council European Research Council Will distribute research funds Will devise the research programmes
PEOPLE – Human Potential Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks (called RTNs in FP6) Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks (called RTNs in FP6) Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes (called EIFs, OIFs, IIFs, ESTs, in FP6) Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes (called EIFs, OIFs, IIFs, ESTs, in FP6) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme (called TOKs in FP6) Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme (called TOKs in FP6) International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants (called ERGs, IRGs in FP6) International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants (called ERGs, IRGs in FP6) Specific actions Excellence awards (called EXTs, EXAs, EXCs in FP6) Specific actions Excellence awards (called EXTs, EXAs, EXCs in FP6) These are similar to Marie Curie Actions in FP6
CAPACITIES – Research Capacity 1.Research Infrastructures (the same as under FP6) 2.Research for and by SMEs (similar to CRAFT and COLLECTIVE in FP6) 3.Regions of Knowledge (pilot scheme under FP6) 4.Research Potential 5.Coherent development of research policies (similar to FP6 SSP) 6.Specific activities of International Cooperation (INCO) 7.Science in Society (similar to FP6)
CAPACITIES – topic 6: International Cooperation Activities (INCO) Support competitiveness through strategic partnerships with third countries in selected fields Address specific problems that third countries face or that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit Two interdependent objectives: These INCO activities will cross-cut all FP7 PROGRAMMES
Management of FP7 by the EC A doubling of the FP budget will require new structures to be put in place to manage this increased budget whilst not increasing the number of Commission staff The Commission will “externalise” part of the FP7 management to executive agency structures for the first time These executive agency structures will handle: Frontier research projects Most of the project life-cycle for Human Potential actions and SME- specific actions Logistical and administrative tasks for all other proposals/projects (incl. collaborative research projects)
Summary of the main changes (FP6 to FP7) Support for Basic Research at European Level Doubling of the budget …. still under discussion…. Support for Security and Space Research Duration of 7 years Simplification of financial rules and outsourcing Joint Technology Initiatives / Platforms ERA-NET Plus –to prevent overlap with National research Regions of Knowledge (information exchange)
Tentative Roadmap for FP /4 Commission - Adoption of FP7 proposals 18/4Council - Exchange of views 7/6Council - Orientation debate 21/9Commission - Proposals on SPs and Rules (art 167) for participation and dissemination 11/10 Council - Exchange of views on SPs and Rules 23/11Commission - Proposals under Articles 169 and/or /11Council - Orientation debate on SPs and Rules 12-15/12EP - 1st reading on EC FP and Opinion on Euratom FP 2006 Feb/MarCouncil - Common position on EC FP EP - 1 st reading on EC Rules. Opinion on Euratom Rules. AprilCommon position on EC Rules May/JuneEP - 2 nd reading on EC FP; Opinion on SPs; 2 nd reading on EC Rules (earliest) JuneCouncil - Adoption of FP and Rules (earliest) JulyCouncil and EP - Adoption of FP and Rules JulyCouncil - Adoption of the SPs OctCommission - Adoption of Work programmes and necessary participation documents NovCommission - Publication of 1 st calls
Further Information During the coming months the EC will be releasing further details about FP7 to keep up-to-date please see:
FP6: Scientific Support to Policies (SSP) CALL: SSP 5A DEADLINE: 22 nd March 2006 AREA: Sustainable management of Europe’s natural resources B.1.1. Modernisation and sustainability of agriculture and forestry, including their multifunctional role in order to ensure the sustainable development and promotion of rural areas Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) on: Task 26 – Pepino Mosaic Virus. The research will deliver increased knowledge of the epidemiology and likely economic impact of Pepino Mosaic Virus in the EU context. The objective is to provide a rigorous pest risk analysis of Pepino mosaic virus. This is required to underpin the existing legislation and to help the consideration of any necessary amendments. It is particularly important that the partnership should cover all Member States considered to be at risk.