Representation of DDC in MARC 21 Bibliographic Format: An Update Dewey Breakfast/Update ALA Annual Meeting July 11, 2009
Outline: 082, 085, field Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R): new subfields 085 Synthesized Classification Number Components 083 Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number Discussion: 083
MARC Bibliographic format: 082, 085, 083 MARC Proposal No Submitted jointly by the Dewey editorial team, Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB), Library of Congress, and OCLC Added to MARC 21 in Update No. 9 (October 2008) OCLC will implement in WorldCat in August
082 field Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R): new subfields $m - Standard or optional designation (NR) a (standard) b (optional) $q - Assigning agency (NR) Used with second indicator 4 (Assigned by agency other than LC)
Example of 082 subfield $m $a 843/.914 $2 22 $m a $a C843/.54 $2 20 $m b Poulin, Jacques, Le Vieux Chagrin: Roman LCSH: French-Canadian fiction 20th century
085 Synthesized Classification Number Components (1) To show how a built Dewey number has been built and to specify the component elements Indicators: both undefined (##) Subfield Codes: $a - Number where instructions are found--single number or beginning number of span (R) $b - Base number (R) $c - Classification number--Ending number of span (R) $f - Facet designator (R)
085 Synthesized Classification Number Components (2) $r - Root number (R) $s - Digits added from classification number in schedule or external table (R) $t - Digits added from internal subarrangement or add table (R) $u - Number being analyzed (R) $v - Number in internal subarrangement or add table where instructions are found (R)
085 Synthesized Classification Number Components (3) $w - Table identification--internal subarrangement or add table (R) $y - Table number--internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
Example of 085 field (1) $8 1 $a $ ## $8 1 $b $a $c $s 9291 Web sites for genealogists LCSH: Genealogy Computer network resources Directories
Example of 085 field (2) $8 1 $a $ ## $8 1 $b $a $c $s Information storage and retrieval systems devoted to specific disciplines and subjects Specific disciplines and subjects Genealogy
083 Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) (1) To be used for Dewey numbers, including internal and external table numbers, added for subject access Indicators: First - Type of edition 0 - Full edition 1 - Abridged edition Second - Undefined # - Undefined
083 Additional Dewey Decimal Classification Number (R) (2) Subfield codes (selected): $a - Classification number (R) $c - Classification number--Ending number of span (R) $y - Table number--internal subarrangement or add table (R) $z - Table identification (R) $2 - Edition number (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
Example of 083 field: Table 2 notation $a $ # $z 2 $a 753 $2 22 Embassy Residences in Washington, D.C. LCSH: Embassy buildingsWashington (D.C.) Official residences has the note Including embassy, legation, consulate buildings T2753 Washington, D.C.
Example of 083 field: Parts of a built number (1) $a $ # $a $ # $a $ # $z 2 $a 73 $2 22 Pharmaceutical economics and policy LCSH: Pharmaceutical industryUnited States
Example of 083 field: Parts of a built number (2) $a $ # $a $ # $a $ # $z 2 $a 73 $ Economics of services and specific products Pharmaceutical drugs T273 United States
Example of 083 field: Multiple topics (1) True Stories of C.S.I.: The Real Crimes behind the Best Episodes of the Popular TV Show LCSH: CrimeUnited StatesCase studies MurderUnited StatesCase studies Criminal investigationUnited StatesPopular works CSI: crime scene investigation (Television program)
Example of 083 field: Multiple topics (2) $a $ # $a $ # $a $ Criminal offenses Detection of crime (Criminal investigation) Single television programs
Question for discussion How might you use the 083 field?