1 – й тип слога ( открытый ) A [ ei ] – name, same, game, late, Kate, plate, face E [ i: ] – tree, Pete, he, she, street, green.


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Presentation transcript:

1 – й тип слога ( открытый ) A [ ei ] – name, same, game, late, Kate, plate, face E [ i: ] – tree, Pete, he, she, street, green

I [ai] – nine, fine, time, like, five O [эu] – rose, nose, go, sofa, those, open U [ ju:] – pupil, June, [ u: ] July, tune, Tuesday Y [ ai ] - rhyme, try, sky, why, my

2 – й тип слога ( закрытый ) A [ э ] - cat, bag, hat, hand, cap, ass map, rabbit E [ e ] – pen, ten, leg, left, dress, text, bed I [ i ] - sit, lips, six, big, this, it, drink

O [ o ] – dog, pot, lot, of, hot, not, stop, doctor, long U [ a ] – funny, sun duster, much, duck, bus Y [ I ] – gym, lynx, myth, mystery

3 – й тип слога ( гласная + r ) A [ a: ] – park, farm, start, smart E [ э: ] – term, perfume her, certainly I [ э: ] – girl, shirt, skirt, fir

O [ o: ] – fork, storm, short, born U [ э: ] – turn, curly, murmur Y [ э: ] – myrmidon