Spreganje glagola “biti” EDNINA 1. I am = I’m (jaz sem) 2. you are = You’re (ti si) 3. he is = he’s (on je) she is = she’s (ona je) it is = it’s (ono je) MNOŽINA 1. we are = we’re (mi smo) 2. you are = you’re (vi ste) 3. they are = they’re (oni so)
They are reading books now. TRDILNA OBLIKA They are reading books now.
Are they reading books now? VPRAŠALNA OBLIKA Are they reading books now?
They aren’t reading books now. NIKALNA OBLIKA They aren’t reading books now.
TA ČAS SE RABI ZA: trenutna dejanja (v trenutku govorjenja) I am sleeping at the moment. začasno dejanje v sedanjosti This week I am reading an interesting book.
Časovni izrazi so: now, at the moment, right now, today,…
Posebnosti pri pisavi: če se glagol konča na –e, le tega izpustimo: come – coming, have – having, close – closing končni soglasnik za kratkim naglašenim samoglasnikom se podvoji, preden dodamo –ing: sit – sitting, hit – hitting, run – running če se glagol konča na –l, se ta vedno podvoji: travel – travelling če se glagol konča na –ie, se ta spremeni v –y preden dodamo – ing lie – lying, tie - tying
Exercises: Napiši obliko glagola za continuous tense: make – making have - ______________ sit - ____________ run - _____________ lie - ______________ stop - ______________ model - _______________ get - ____________ travel - ____________ tie - ____________ write - _____________ work - ______________ enter - ______________ meet - ______________ dance - ______________ get - _______________
Napiši stavke v The Present Continuous Tensu: 0. He/get/pretty nervous He is getting pretty nervous. She/write/a letter We/work They/argue I/meet/my friends tonight The kids/play/in the garden They/tie/their shoes He/travel/a lot Look! The dog/pee/on the carpet She/enter/the house I/sit/on the sofa
Tvori trdilne povedi v The Present Continuous tensu: 0. We are dancing (dance) now. She ___________________ (have) a bath. I ___________________ (make) my bed. My mum _____________________ (talk) to you. She ____________________ (close) the door. He ____________________ (stand) in front of our house. Children ___________________ (watch) cartoons. Look! The dogs ___________________ (run). I ____________________ (try) to help you at present.
Sedaj povedi iz prejšnje naloge postavi v vprašalno in nikalno obliko: 0. We are dancing now. Are we dancing now? We aren’t dancing now.
Vstavi manjkajoče glagole v opisnem sedanjiku: READ, GROW, LEAVE, EAT, BUILD, PAY, DRAW, GIVE, HOLD, STEAL She _________________ a book now. They ________________ their house now. Look, a thief __________________ her handbag. My parents __________________ a new garage. The child __________________ a nice picture. They _________________ for drinks now. She __________________ tomorrow. The plant _________________ very fast. He ______________________ my hand. The dog _____________________ his food now. They ____________________ me some instructions.
VPRAŠALNE POVEDI My brothers are studying a lot. Are my brothers studying a lot? My brothers aren’tstudying a lot. What are my brothers studying? Where are my brothers studying? Why are my brothers studying? Who is studying?
Exercises: Vprašaj se po podčrtanih besedah: 0. Tony is getting up now. When is Tony getting up? He’s doing his homework now. They’re coming on Friday. I’m faving a good fun. We are returning home. He’s having a shower. My father is selling his car. I’m making breakfast. He’s wearing a shirt. Steve is studying now. Children are playing in the garden at the moment.
SUZANNE VEGA: Tom’s dinner Lyrics: He is looking Out the window At somebody Coming in "It is always Nice to see you" Says the man Behind the counter To the woman Who has come in She is shaking Her umbrella I am sitting In the morning At the diner On the corner I am waiting At the counter For the man To pour the coffee And he fills it Only halfway And before I even argue
And I look The other way As they are kissing Their hellos I'm pretending Not to see them And Instead I pour the milk I open Up the paper There's a story Of an actor Who had died While he was drinking He was no one I had heard of And I'm turning To the horoscope And looking For the funnies When I'm feeling Someone watching me And so I raise my head There's a woman On the outside Looking inside Does she see me? No she does not Really see me Cause she sees Her own reflection And I'm trying Not to notice That she's hitching Up her skirt And while she's Straightening her stockings Her hair Is getting wet Oh, this rain It will continue Through the morning As I'm listening To the bells Of the cathedral I am thinking Of your voice... And of the midnight picnic Once upon a time Before the rain began... I finish up my coffee It's time to catch the train