June 20 – June 22
$ Departs: June 20, Providence RI 7:20 a.m. Arrives New York, NY Penn Station 10:50 a.m. Returning to Providence RI June 22 Departs Penn Station 3:15 a.m. Arrives in Providence at 7:04 a.m.
Royal Park Hotel 258 West 97 th Street New York, NY TTwo Night stay at $84 per night TTotal $169 TTwo beds, air-conditioning, balcony, cable TV with remote control, hairdryer, cordless telephone and more.
New York Sports Museum of America Duration:2 hours $31.98 for two adults More then 600 artifacts, 1,100 photos, and 20 films. They also display the first Heisman trophy. 19 theme galleries with interactive exhibits.
Cost of the Trip
Total: $596