WorldCat Search API Bruce Washburn Consulting Software Engineer OCLC
Searching OpenSearch and SRU searches XML responses Familiar formats: RSS, Atom, MARC21 XML, Dublin Core
Searching A broad range of indexes, including a way to limit searches by holding library, for authenticated users Other users search a smaller set of indexes, similar to those in the advanced search Sort by relevance, author, title, date, library count, and more
For a single record List nearby libraries Nearbyness – ip address, zip code, country, state/province, latitude/longitude Get standard citations … APA, Chicago, Harvard, MLA, and Turabian See other editions
The Search API overview describes all of its features with working examples, links to other resources, and more. Find the overview on the OCLC Developers Network site at Implementers Overview
Test Requests and Responses The URI Evaluator offers an easy way to test API requests and evaluate their responses.
WorldCat API and Facebook
Mobile web apps
WorldCat API and the iPhone
Visualizing WorldCat Holdings
CSU Library Search
CSU Library Search
WorldCat WordPress Widget
Miami University Libraries, Citation formatting
In the Flow OCLCs xID web services have been built into sites and products and projects, including LibX, Aquabrowser, Koha, SFX,,, and more. A growing set of applications outside the library world have begun to take advantage of the WorldCat Search API as well.
Android Application: CompareEverywhere
CompareEverywhere Splash Page
CompareEverywhere Library Links
CompareEverywhere Library Information
A Library Catalog on an Android Phone
CompareEverywhere Driving Directions
CompareEverywhere Maps
CompareEverywhere API Traffic Spike CompareEverywhere, Day 1
Some Practical Uses Extend searches to WorldCats 100M+ records Format citations Add library links to search results Create search-based Atom and RSS Feeds
Questions Discussion