Quarter 2
Which vowel in Spanish says… AHH…. Like in the word “awe” A
Which vowel in Spanish says… OHH... Like in the word “open” O
Which vowel in Spanish says… EEE... Like in the word “eel” I
Which vowel in Spanish says… OOO... Like in the word “cool” U
Which vowel in Spanish says… EH... Like in the word “egg” E
How do you say this number in Spanish? 5 Cinco
How do you say this number in Spanish? 3 Tres
How do you say this number in Spanish? 15 Quince [keen-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 0 Cero
How do you say this number in Spanish? 13 Trece [tray-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 4 Cuatro
How do you say this number in Spanish? 6 Seis
How do you say this number in Spanish? 9 Nueve
How do you say this number in Spanish? 12 Doce [doe-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 1 Uno
How do you say this number in Spanish? 8 Ocho
How do you say this number in Spanish? 14 Catorce [caw-tore-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 2 dos
How do you say this number in Spanish? 11 once [own-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 12 doce [doe-say]
How do you say this number in Spanish? 7 siete
How do you say this number in Spanish? 10 diez
3 Tres
1 uno
2 dos
0 cero
5 cinco
10 diez
7 siete
8 ocho
4 cuatro
6 seis
9 nueve
How do you say DAD in Spanish? Papá Remember not to say papa!!
How do you say MOM in Spanish? Mamá
How do you say BROTHER in Spanish? Hermano
How do you say SISTER in Spanish? Hermana
How do you say BABY in Spanish? Bebé
How do you say DOG in Spanish? Perro
How do you say CAT in Spanish? Gato
What is a CAMISA? A shirt
What are PANTALONES? Pants
What is a FALDA? Skirt
What are MEDIAS? Socks
What are ZAPATOS? [saw-paw-toes] Shoes
What is a VESTIDO? [bess-tee-doe] Dress
What is a CASA ?
What room is the SALA ?
What room is the COCINA ?
What room is the BAÑO ?
What room is the DORMITORIO ?
What room is the COMEDOR ?