Jeopardy AlanFritzMr. GasaziMiss Hester $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy
Jeopardy AlanFritzMr. GasaziMiss Hester $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy
Alan $100 Answer Alan A small white bridge at the side of the road.
Alan $100 Question Alan What did Alan discover on his walk with Fritz?
Alan $200 Answer Alan Alan also took a nap.
Alan $200 Question Alan What did Alan do when Fritz took a nap?
Alan $300 Answer Alan Alan hid his hat under his shirt.
Alan $300 Question Alan What did Alan do before he took a nap?
Alan $400 Answer Alan A gust of wind took his hat right off his head.
Alan $400 Question Alan How did Alan loose his hat?
Alan $500 Answer Alan The duck tried to bite him.
Alan $500 Question Alan Why did Alan believe the duck was really Fritz?
Fritz $100 Answer Fritz Fritz had bitten dear cousin Eunice six times.
Fritz $100 Question Fritz Why wasn’t Fritz invited to come for a visit with Miss Hester?
Fritz $200 Answer Fritz Fritz loved to chew on the chairs and shake the stuffing out of the pillows.
Fritz $200 Question Fritz How did Fritz usually behave?
Fritz $300 Answer Fritz Fritz gave a tremendous tug and snapped right out of his collar.
Fritz $300 Question Fritz How did Fritz escape?
Fritz $400 Answer Fritz He was exhausted.
Fritz $400 Question Fritz Why did Fritz take a nap?
Fritz $500 Answer Fritz Fritz had Alan’s hat.
Fritz $500 Question Fritz What did Fritz have in his mouth at the end of the story?
Mr. Gasazi $100 Answer Mr. Gasazi He was a retired magician.
Mr. Gasazi $100 Question Mr. Gasazi What was Mr. Gasazi’s occupation?
Mr. Gasazi $200 Answer Mr. Gasazi They dug up his flowers and chewed on his trees.
Mr. Gasazi $200 Question Mr. Gasazi Why didn’t Mr. Gasazi like dogs?
Mr. Gasazi $300 Answer Mr. Gasazi He turned them into ducks.
Mr. Gasazi $300 Question Mr. Gasazi What did Mr. Gasazi say he did to dogs?
Mr. Gasazi $400 Answer Mr. Gasazi He said it was impossible because only time can do it.
Mr. Gasazi $400 Question Mr. Gasazi Why wouldn’t Mr. Gasazi turn Fritz back into a dog?
Mr. Gasazi $500 Answer Mr. Gasazi “Greetings, do come in.”
Mr. Gasazi $500 Question Mr. Gasazi What did Mr. Gasazi say to Alan when they first met?
Miss Hester $100 Answer Miss Hester Miss Hester asked Alan to stay with Fritz and give him his afternoon walk.
Miss Hester $100 Question Miss Hester What did Miss Hester do with Fritz when she went to visit her cousin?
Miss Hester $200 Answer Miss Hester in her front yard
Miss Hester $200 Question Miss Hester Where did Miss Hester find Fritz?
Miss Hester $300 Answer Miss Hester “You bad dog.”
Miss Hester $300 Question Miss Hester What did Miss Hester say to Fritz when she found him with Alan’s hat?
Miss Hester $400 Answer Miss Hester The lights were on.
Miss Hester $400 Question Miss Hester How did Alan know Miss Hester was home?
Miss Hester $500 Answer Miss Hester “The old magician just made you think that duck was Fritz.”
Miss Hester $500 Question Miss Hester What did Miss Hester tell Alan about Fritz becoming a duck?
Final Jeopardy Answer Final Jeopardy Alan felt he was too old to believe in magic.
Final Jeopardy Question Final Jeopardy Why did Alan feel silly at the end of the story?