Cataloging and Metadata at the University Library
Units for cataloging and metadata Technical Services—220 Library Cataloging units in several other departments for special formats and languages Coordinated by Cataloging Working Group; Qiang Jin is Senior Coordinating Cataloger and chair of CWG CWG meets every month or two and also communicates via a discussion list and website
Content Access Management (Central Cataloging and Metadata) Located in 220 Library 6 librarians, 4 academic professionals, 22 senior staff with cataloging experience, 4 graduate assistants, 4 hourly student employees, other project-based part-time employees Catalog monographs, serials (print and electronic), some media, and electronic resources Processes more than 50,000 items per year
Cataloging web page
Monographic Cataloging Performs all cataloging except cataloging on receipt, which is done in Acquisitions All titles are cataloged in OCLC In this unit all titles classified by Dewey Decimal Classification (with a number of local modifications adopted decades ago) Copy catalogers work mainly in our local system, Voyager—add holdings and item records Original catalogers upgrade or enter records in OCLC and then export them into Voyager
Authority work Voyager validates headings—a check on whether we’re using the correct form If a heading doesn’t validate, we check the authority file in OCLC 4 original catalogers are active in NACO and add authority records to the national database--NACO stands for Name Authorities Cooperative Program; part of PCC (Program for Cooperative Cataloging) New authority records are regularly added to Voyager by our consortium, CARLI
Catalog maintenance 4 staff members work on catalog maintenance in addition to doing copy cataloging; original catalogers sometimes correct variant forms of names too Receive requests from public service librarians and occasionally from users for corrections to records Call numbers can also be changed A bibliographic maintenance group is looking into ways to make extensive changes
Serials Cataloging 1 academic professional, 5 staff, hourly employees Work with print and electronic versions of serials Update Voyager and Online Research Resources Database Copy and original cataloging in this area too Holdings maintenance and dealing with title changes—big part of serials cataloging
Electronic Resources Both electronic journals and electronic books can be found in the Library OPAC Records for electronic journals link to our electronic resource management system, called ORR, which then links to full-text articles or databases Records for e-books lead directly to the resource. Most records have been added with a batch loading process, but we have begun to add some individually, and this will increase
Metadata A new area for this department, although digitization projects have been going on for at least ten years (Kolb-Proust Archives, European Emblem books) 1 librarian working on projects for Illinois Harvest and Open Content Alliance State-funded project (not part of Google) Examples in the fields of chemistry, engineering, history and library science Providing collection level and item level metadata Dublin Core is used at present
More information on mass digitization projects at the UIUC Library General questions on Cataloging Gail Hueting
Illinois Newspaper Project Located in 220 Library but not part of Cataloging Grant-funded, part of U.S. Newspaper Project; will be finishing this month Catalogs and preserves American newspapers held in Illinois libraries (all over the state)