FAST: A Faceted Application of Subject Terminology Classification Crosswalks Workshop Joint Conference on Digital Libraries June 28, 2001 Presented by Ed ONeill
Background Enormous volume and rapid growth of resources available on the World Wide Web. Emergence of numerous metadata schemes have spurred a re-examination of the way subject data is to be provided for web resources efficiently and effectively.
Metadata Simplicity Simplicity refers to the usability by non- catalogers to allow the creation of metadata records by persons not necessarily trained in sophisticated methods of bibliographic control. Semantic interoperability Semantic interoperability enables users to search across discipline boundaries and, desirably, also across information retrieval and storage systems.
ALCTS/SAC/Subcommittee: Requirements Be simple and easy to apply and to comprehend, Be intuitive so that sophisticated training in subject indexing and classification, while highly desirable, is not required in order to implement, Be logical so that it requires the least effort to understand and implement, Be scalable for implementation from the simplest to the most sophisticated.
Options for Metadata We are limited to three basic choices in selecting an indexing/subject heading schema for metadata: The use an existing schema(s), Adapt or modify an existing schema. Develop new schema(s),
Objective of FAST Project Develop a new subject heading schema based on LCSH suitable for metadata which is easier to use, understand, and maintain. Minimized the need to construct headings, Simplify the syntax, Retain the richness of the vocabulary.
Simplify the Complex Syntax and Rules
FAST Team Ed ONeill, OCLC Diane Vizine-Goetz, OCLC Kerre Kammerer, OCLC Eric Childress, OCLC Rebecca Dean, OCLC Lois Mai Chan, University of Kentucky Lynn El-Hoshy, Library of Congress
Synergy ALCTS/SAC OCLC Library of Congress
Advantages of LCSH Rich vocabulary covering all subject areas, It has the strong institutional support of the Library of Congress, Synonym and homograph control, Has been extensively used by libraries, contained in millions of bibliographic records, Has a long and well-documented history.
Card Format Originally created for card catalogsa 3x5 card environment, Pre-coordinated vocabulary, Design limits number of entries.
Coverage of LCSH Topical Authority File
Coverage of Geographic Authority File
Patterns Subdivisions Pattern subdivisions, like free-floats, are subdivisions which have general application. However, the scope of patterns is limited to particular types (patterns) of headings. Patients is one of several hundred subdivisions that can be used with headings for individual or types of diseases and other medical conditions …
Combining Pattern Subdivisions is an established heading, is covered by the disease pattern, is authorized under the pattern for diseases becomes a class of persons, is authorized under the pattern for classes of persons.
FAST Requirements Usable by people with minimal training and experience, Enables a broad range of users to assign subject terminology to web resources: –Bibliographers –Faculty –Reference staff Amenable to automated authority control, Compatibility with use as embedded metadata, Focus on making use of LCSH as a post-coordinate system in an online environment.
Facets Topical Personal Names Corporate Names Conference/Meetings Uniform Titles Geographic Form Period
FACET: Topical LCSH main headings from topical headings (650), All associated general ($x) subdivisions from any type of LCSH heading, Period subdivisions containing topical aspects from any type of LCSH heading, All topical headings will be established in an authority file.
FAST: Topical Headings Industrial project managementData processing. Colombian poetry BlacksmithingHistory. Epic literatureHistory and criticism. Pets and travel Quartets (Pianos (2), percussion) Natural gas pipelinesEconomic aspects School psychologists Blood banks LoudspeakersDesign and construction
Geographic name will be established and applied in indirect order, [OhioColumbus not Columbus (Ohio)], First level geographic names will be limited to names from the Geographic Area Codes table (e.g., Ohio, France, Great Lakes, etc.) Other names will be entered as subdivisions under the smallest first level name in which it is fully contained (North AmericaMaya Forest) Qualifiers are only be used to identify the type of geographic name (Kingdom, Satellite, Duchy, Princely State, etc.). All geographic headings will be established in an authority file. FACET: Geographic
Charlevoix Search Example
Charlevoix (LCSH headings) Charlevoix (Mich.) Charlevoix (Quebec) Charlevoix County (Mich.) Charlevoix County (Quebec) Charlevoix Harbor (Mich.) Charlevoix Region (Mich.) Charlevoix Region (Quebec) Charlevoix Site (Mich.) Charlevoix, Lake (Mich.) Charlevoix-Est (Quebec : Regional County Municipality) Charlevoix-Est (Quebec) Charlevoix-Est County (Que.) Charlevoix-Est County (Quebec) Charlevoix-Ouest (Quebec) Charlevoix-Ouest County (Que.) Charlevoix-Ouest County (Quebec) Clermont (Charlevoix-Est, Quebec) Deer Creek Watershed (Charlevoix County, Mich.) Holy Island (Charlevoix County, Mich.) Horton Creek (Charlevoix County, Mich.) Horton Creek Marsh, Charlevoix County, (Mich.) Lake Charlevoix (Mich.) Lake Charlevoix (Michigan) Marion (Charlevoix County, Mich.) MichiganBeaver Island (Charlevoix County) MichiganCharlevoix MichiganCharlevoix County MichiganCharlevoix Region MichiganCharlevoix, Lake MichiganDeer Creek Watershed (Charlevoix County) MichiganHorton Creek (Charlevoix County) MichiganLake Charlevoix MichiganMarion (Charlevoix County) MichiganPeaine Township (Charlevoix County) MichiganSt. James Township (Charlevoix County) O'Neill Site, Charlevoix County, (Mich.) Quebec (Province)Charlevoix Quebec (Province)Charlevoix Co. Quebec (Province)Charlevoix East Quebec (Province)Charlevoix Region Quebec (Province)Charlevoix West Quebec (Province)Charlevoix-Est (Regional County Municipality) Quebec (Province)Charlevoix-Ouest QuebecCharlevoix Region QuebecCharlevoix-Est QuebecCharlevoix-Ouest
Charlevoix (FAST headings) Michigan--Charlevoix Michigan--Charlevoix County Michigan--Charlevoix County--Deer Creek Watershed Michigan--Charlevoix County--Holy Island Michigan--Charlevoix County--Horton Creek Michigan--Charlevoix County--Beaver Island Michigan--Charlevoix County--Marion Michigan--Charlevoix County--O'Neill Site Michigan--Charlevoix County--Peaine Township Michigan--Charlevoix Harbor Michigan--Charlevoix Region Michigan--Lake Charlevoix Quebec ………………………….
FACET: Forms Uses table developed based on LC documentation (e.g., SCM, FFS:AAI), and independent correspondence, LCSH tagged headings not containing $v will be processed for correction prior to validation, All form headings will be established in an authority file.
Example of Forms Translations into French Rules DictionariesSwedish Controversial literatureEarly works to 1800 Translations into Russian StatisticsDatabases Textbooks for foreign speakersEnglishJuvenile literature Slides Directories CorrespondenceJuvenile literature Records
FACET: Period Chronological headings will reflect the actual time period of coverage for the resource, Chronological headings will be expressed as a numeric date or date range. Authority records will be created for period subdivision except when necessary for notes or cross-references.
Example of Faceting (DC view) 650 0Slavery $z United States $v Fiction. SubjectSlavery Coverage.spatialUnited States TypeFiction
Interoperability between LCSH and FAST Separating syntax from semantics, the syntax can be simplified while retaining the richness of vocabulary in LCSH is retained, FAST and LCSH can co-exist.
For more information: Chan, Lois Mai et. al. A Faceted Approach to Subject Data in the Dublin Core Metadata Record. Journal of Internet Cataloging. Volume 4, no. 1-2, 2001, p ONeill, Edward T. et. Al. Form Subdivisions: Their Identification and Use in LCSH. Accepted for publication in Library Resources & Technical Services. For a copy of this presentation: