Sioux Mission Trip
Provide a Spiritual Growth Experience Love as a Servant Live as a Friend Learn as a Follower Lead as a Guide Why?
1990s Reynosa, Mexico 2009 Tampa, Florida 2010 Eureka Springs, Arkansas 2011 & 2012 Navajo Nation Arizona 2013 Sioux Nation South Dakota Where Are We Going?
Mount Rushmore (2 hours) 20 hours to Pine Ridge, South Dakota 35 miles to closest Walmart in Chadron, Nebraska
Where Are We Going?
The Pine Ridge Reservation is consistently among the poorest counties in the United States Unemployment over 60 percent Many residents travel more than 120 miles to outlying communities for seasonal employment About half the people over 40 have diabetes Tuberculosis, alcoholism, and infant mortality rates are way above the national average. Residents contend with temperatures from -30 to 105 deg F Life expectancy for those on the reservation is 48 for males and 52 for females Why Pine Ridge?
Housing conditions on the reservation are poor Nearly 40% of homes are without electricity and running water The remoteness and limited resources in many communities, lack of suitable land, and the severity of the climate are all contributing factors to the difficulty in providing adequate housing on the reservation Homelessness and overcrowding of homes is a chronic problem Because many families will not turn away any family member who needs a place to stay, it is not uncommon for as many as 25 people to live in a two-bedroom home The desperate housing situation is compounded by the fact that much of the existing housing is substandard Why Pine Ridge?
Scenes of the Pine Ridge Reservation Pine Ridge Reservation
Our Host Organization
Our Trip Schedule
Capacity: 1 Bus Load Bus fits 55 We have: 23 Students 2 College 7 Adults Total
Work and Camp Fulltime Ministers: Matt & Amanda Hadden Will camp in a school College mentors: Kaitlyn Glisan Jesse Madden
Worship and Devotions
Sioux School
Sioux Reservation
Pine Ridge Reservation Grassy Plains Pine Covered Hills Badlands Three Geographic Regions
Dakota Nakota Lakota All names have the same meaning, but are in each respective dialect: Feeling affection, friendly, united, allied Sioux Language Groups - Eastern - Central - Western
Sioux Groups
Oglala Sicangu Hunkpapa Mniconjou Izipaco Siha Sapa Ooinunpa Lakota Sub-Tribes They Scatter Their Own Burned Thighs End Village Planters By the Water Without Bows Black Feet Two Kettles
Crazy Horse American Horse Crow Dog Kicking Bear Little Wound Old Chief Smoke Red Cloud Chief Blue Horse Iron Tail Notable Oglala Flying Hawk Big Mouth Surrounded by the Enemy Cecilia Fire Thunder Theresa Two Bulls Young Man Afraid of His Horses Black Elk Red Shirt Sitting Bull (Lakota, not Oglala)
Oglala Flag Eight Teepees - Eight districts of the reservation Red Field - Blood shed defending lands, Red man Blue Fringe - Sky in all four directions seen in worship
Wakan Tanka - Better translated as Great Mystery The power or sacredness that resides in everything Every creature or object has wakan (holy) aspects Wakan Tanka: Placed the stones and minerals in the ground Changes the seasons and weather Brings plants out of the ground Great Spirit
Men - Political Chiefs,War Leaders and Warriors, Hunters Women - Controlled food, resources, movable property Made food, clothes, tipi coverings Husbands moved to live with his wife’s people Children belonged to mother’s clan Chiefs selected based on mother’s clan, Approved by women Families - Utmost importance, Tribe a close second Cousins were considered as brothers and sisters Mother’s brother was more influential to boy than father Oglala Lakota Culture
Tribal Council: Two members from each of the nine districts Headquarters: Pine Ridge, South Dakota (where we will be) Reservation Population: 20,000 Unemployment: 45% Languages: Lakota, English Total Area: 2,000,000 acres Oglala Tribe
Lakota Sioux
Meeting Schedule July: Reunion Party August: Friendship Club
Pledge Sheets Move That Bus! Fund Raisers